Custom Query (2037 matches)


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Results (1901 - 2000 of 2037)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1592 Multithreading issues in PJSIP (thanks to Matt Williams for the report and expert analysis) bennylp defect normal release-2.1 common
#1615 Bug in URI scheme check macro PJSIP_URI_SCHEME_IS_SIP()/SIPS/TEL bennylp defect normal release-2.1 common
#1623 Concurrency issues in PJSUA-LIB bennylp defect normal release-2.1 common
#1630 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.2 common
#1634 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-1.16 common
#1639 Android branch integration bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 common
#1657 BlackBerry BB10 Integration bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 common
#1680 Support for Windows 64bit (Win64) bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 common
#1697 Add support for iOS SDK 7 & iOS 7 bennylp task normal release-2.2 common
#1704 Windows Phone WP8 Port bennylp enhancement normal release-2.x common
#1707 Fix parallel build support (thanks to Mark Michelson for the patch) bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 common
#1713 Enable building the libraries as shared libraries/DLLs for GNU targets bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 common
#1720 Add configure flags for external libsrtp and disabling libresample (thanks David Lee for the patch) bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 common
#1723 pjsua2 branch integration bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 common
#1742 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.2.1 common
#1745 Problems in building shared/dynamic libraries on MinGW bennylp defect normal release-2.2.1 common
#1748 Enhancements to WAV player API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2.1 common
#1749 Android build for Intel bennylp defect normal release-2.3 common
#1751 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.3 common
#1768 Various Android fixes related to garbage collector and other crashes bennylp defect normal release-2.3 common
#1782 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.4 common
#1803 Add support for Android 64 bit compilation bennylp task normal release-2.4 common
#1818 Fixed destruction of locked mutex bennylp defect normal release-2.4 common
#1827 Video port's clock thread may get stuck during format change event bennylp defect normal release-2.4 common
#1832 Miscellaneous changes related to Android video bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 common
#1843 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.4.5 common
#1870 Issues on 64 bit architecture bennylp defect normal release-2.4.5 common
#1881 Visual Studio 2015 support bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 common
#1882 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.5 common
#1900 Windows 10 / Universal Windows Platform port bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 common
#1917 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.5.1 common
#1919 Fix unused-variable warnings when using -NDEBUG build option bennylp defect normal release-2.6 common
#1922 More compatibility with IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 network bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.1 common
#1928 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.5.5 common
#1932 Support OpenSSL 1.1.0 bennylp task normal release-2.6 common
#1941 Review iOS 10 integration to PJSIP bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 common
#1945 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.6 common
#1950 Failure in configure-android when specifying --use-ndk-cflags with Android NDK r11 or later bennylp defect normal release-2.6 common
#1968 Failure in configure-android when specifying --use-ndk-cflags with Android NDK r13 or later bennylp defect normal release-2.7 common
#1986 Migrate Android projects from Eclipse to Android Studio bennylp task normal release-2.6 common
#1994 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.7 common
#2032 NAT64 support for IPv4 interoperability bennylp enhancement normal release-2.7 common
#2045 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.7.1 common
#2047 Use ar/ranlib from android ndk binutils when building using clang with --use-ndk-cflags option bennylp defect normal release-2.7.1 common
#2054 When set CXXCFLAGS manually, make sure it is applied correctly. bennylp defect normal release-2.7.1 common
#2059 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.8 common
#2062 Remove deprecated Linux kernel implementation bennylp task minor release-2.8 common
#2067 Fix various linker error when building as dll on Visual Studio 2015 bennylp defect normal release-2.8 common
#2070 Print IPv6 addresses with brackets in the log bennylp enhancement normal release-2.8 common
#2098 Add SDP attribute SSRC and CNAME bennylp enhancement normal release-2.8 common
#2147 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal release-2.9 common
#2177 Updated configure-android script for NDK r17, r18, r19 nanang defect normal release-2.9 common
#2207 Fix build failure when using Android NDK r20 ming defect normal release-2.10 common
#2208 Change default arch for Android and iOS to 64-bit ming enhancement normal release-2.10 common
#2237 Revisit timer usages defect normal release-2.10 common
#19 Enhancement for PDA applications bennylp enhancement minor release-0.7.0-rc1 applications
#27 PortAudio device open log shows incorrect channel count bennylp defect minor release-0.5.9 applications
#32 sndtest sample doesn't display the device name correctly bennylp defect minor release-0.5.10 applications
#46 Added recording capability in streamutil bennylp enhancement minor release-0.5.10 applications
#52 Functions to retrieve media port of player and recorder bennylp enhancement minor release-0.5.10 applications
#77 Allow playback of multiple files in pjsua bennylp enhancement normal release-0.5.10 applications
#79 Make available new audio device that is plugged after application is running bennylp enhancement minor Known-Issues-and-Ideas applications
#85 Visual Studio 2005 Sample-Makefile bennylp defect normal release-0.5.10 applications
#92 Undefined OpenSSL/ALSA symbols when running Python bennylp defect normal release-0.5.10 applications
#93 Python application blocks in sys.stdin.readline() because C module running on different thread is calling a blocking OS function bennylp defect blocker release-0.5.10 applications
#107 Fixed deadlock in ioqueue unregistration with IOCP bennylp defect normal release-0.5.10 applications
#125 4.2.4 Implement server side STUN authentication (short and long term) bennylp task normal ICE applications
#158 Allow sound device selection in pjsua application (thanks Michael Smith) bennylp enhancement normal release- applications
#159 Allow sound device selection in pjsua application (thanks Michael Smith) bennylp enhancement normal release-0.7.0-rc1 applications
#197 Cancel pending ICE checks once one succeeded bennylp defect normal ICE applications
#210 Added simple stateless and stateful proxy in samples collection bennylp enhancement normal release- applications
#235 Crash in console application when invalid command line is given (thanks Roland Klabunde) bennylp defect minor release- applications
#236 Crash in console application when invalid command line is given (thanks Roland Klabunde) bennylp defect normal release-0.7.0-rc1 applications
#261 Simple PJSUA based application for Symbian bennylp task normal Symbian-trunk-integration applications
#345 Option to select random start port in pjsua bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 applications
#350 Support for parsing quoted arguments in pjsua config file (thanks Scott M Ober) bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 applications
#360 Support for strict routed requests in proxy sample (thanks Helmut Wolf) bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 applications
#389 Added new commands in pjsua to change codec priorities and send UPDATE bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 applications
#430 Added --auto-update-nat, --use-compact-form, and --dis-codec options in pjsua (thanks Lafras Henning) bennylp defect normal release-0.9.0 applications
#477 DTMF digit callback error in Python bennylp defect normal release-0.9.0 applications
#493 PocketPJ: a new and better sample application for PocketPC bennylp enhancement normal release-0.9.0 applications
#543 Test framework for pjsua bennylp enhancement normal release-0.9.0 applications
#562 In TURN client sample application, when STUN server is specified, contact the STUN server on default STUN port rather than the TURN port bennylp defect minor release-1.0-rc1 applications
#564 Reduce the memory usage for default pjsip settings bennylp enhancement normal release-1.0-rc1 applications
#568 The hash table ignores the last row of the table in hash table iteration, causing some memory leaks during shutdown routine because some objects are not destroyed bennylp defect normal release-1.0-rc1 applications
#586 Added ICE negotiation tests to test the scenario when two agents have different number of components bennylp enhancement minor release-1.0-rc1 applications
#594 Improvements in PocketPJ Windows Mobile application bennylp enhancement normal release-1.0-rc1 applications
#613 Added packet discard statistic in pjsua "dq" output bennylp enhancement minor release-1.0-rc2 applications
#626 PocketPJ build issue when SRTP disabled (thanks Seth Hinze for the patch). nanang defect normal release-1.0-rc3 applications
#646 Problem in quitting symbian_ua_gui app bennylp defect normal release-1.0.1 applications
#716 Miscellaneous fixes for applications bennylp defect normal release-1.1 applications
#717 Miscellaneous fixes for applications bennylp defect normal release-1.0.2 applications
#809 Python module bennylp task normal release-1.2-QA applications
#810 Samples is always built (got to do with the rule in the Samples-vc.mak) bennylp defect normal release-1.2-QA applications
#818 Resample NONE on mobile platforms causes G722.1 calls failed. bennylp defect normal release-1.2-QA applications
#819 Support for 16Khz and stereo in APS bennylp defect normal release-1.2-QA applications
#828 Applications, built using VS 2005 targeted for WM 2003, fail to run (on emulator) bennylp defect normal release-1.2-QA applications
#829 Modify all applications in VS 2005 build settings to depend on libpjproject only bennylp task normal release-1.2-QA applications
#850 Remove 'Require=replaces' param in 'Refer-To' header (in call transfer with replaces). bennylp enhancement normal release-1.3 applications
#852 --ip-addr support for IPv6 for media transport in pjsua bennylp defect normal release-1.3 applications
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.