Milestone release-2.7

Completed 7 years ago (Sep 25, 2017 5:23:19 AM)


Total number of tickets: 53 - closed: 53 - active: 0


3 / 3


3 / 3


9 / 9


1 / 1


9 / 9


1 / 1


3 / 3


12 / 12


7 / 7


3 / 3


2 / 2

Release Focus

  • DTLS for SRTP keying
  • iOS (and Mac) H.264 Native Encoder and Decoder
  • NAT64

Ticket List:

List of Enhancements


NAT64 support for IPv4 interoperability

pjlib, pjlib-util:

Linking errors with OpenSSL 1.1.0 when backward compatibility settings turned off
Android build fail when using NDK r14 caused by the removal of android_alarm.h
Improve error handling in OpenSSL socket
Compile time setting for QoS using IP_TOS/IPV6_TCLASS on Darwin OS


No results

pjmedia, pjmedia-audiodev:

Support ALSA audio device volume setting
Support DTLS for SRTP keying
Video Toolbox H264 encoder and decoder for Mac and iOS
Add option to for the SDP version to not increment when there's no change from previous answer/offer
Support for bcg729
Add compile-time config for L16 codec


No results

pjsip, pjsua-lib:

Add API pjsip_transport_shutdown2() to immediately disconnect a transport
Add API pjsip_evsub_set_uas_timeout()
Add API pjsip_multipart_get_raw() to get raw body of a multipart message body
Add on_rx_offer2() callback for SIP invite
API to handle IP address change

pjsua2, swig:

Implement CodecParam class in PJSUA2 API as a wrapper for pjmedia_codec_param

applications, python, unit-tests, third-party:

Add setting to retry timer upon transport disconnection failure (503)
Add multicast option in streamutil sample app
Add Python 3 support using PJSUA2 API

List of Bugs


Failure in configure-android when specifying --use-ndk-cflags with Android NDK r13 or later
Miscellaneous fixes

pjlib, pjlib-util:

Prevent overflow on pj_generate_unique_string() for android
Conflict with "isblank" when building using g++ 5.4.0
pj_hash_calc_tolower() might return a different hash value
Fixed crash due to uncancelled timer if there's an error in resolver's query transmit
Assertion in pj_gethostip() when system hostname is empty
Memory corruption caused by pj_sockaddr_parse()


iOS specific issue: Error 488 when answering call after app goes background
Crash in TURN server resolution callback when ICE objects already destroyed
Fixed crash on pjnath-test due to access to an invalid callback

pjmedia, pjmedia-audiodev:

Prevent crash when timer refresh with SRTP is interrupted by a re-INVITE
When receiving an SDP answer for SRTP, process the tag correctly based on the offer
ICE must use regular nomination when communicating with lite implementations
Make sure transport SRTP buf size is sufficient before calling srtp_protect() and srtp_protect_rtcp()


No results

pjsip, pjsua-lib:

IPv6 media failed if only one of the party uses ICE
Via-Header mismatch in CANCEL
Deadlock between dialog lock and transaction group lock
Deadlock between PJSUA LOCK, transaction group lock, and UA mutex
Crash when hanging up call if video capture device fails to open
Possible crash when using session timer due to the early release of dialog pool
Failure in initializing registration due to unescaped user part in account contact
Prevent memory leak when rejecting a call from on_incoming_call() callback
Buffer overrun in PJSIP transaction layer
Incorrect parsing of zero length multipart body parts
Crash on pjsip_dlg_create_uac() when specifying URI with valueless header parameter
Fixed crash in pjsua_destroy if there's pending outgoing TCP/TLS transmission
Cannot send UPDATE when call is ringing
SRTP error in sending video RTP after hold and unhold

pjsua2, swig:

Fixed crash when accessing video device info in pjsua2
Crash in getting call info with long Contact header

applications, python, unit-tests, third-party:

No results

List of Tasks

Update bundled libSRTP version to enable AES-GCM on OpenSSL 1.1.0 or later
Update libyuv version to fix compile errors on old gcc versions

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.