Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#1630 closed defect (fixed)

Miscellaneous fixes

Reported by: ming Owned by: bennylp
Priority: normal Milestone: release-2.2
Component: common Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:
Backport to 1.x milestone: Backported: no


Change History (62)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4422:

Re #1630: Fixed incorrect parameter in Python wrapper.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by nanang

In 4443:

Misc (re #1630): Added compile-time setting to configure audio switchboard buffer size.

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by nanang

In 4445:

Misc (re #1630): Exported parse_generic_array_hdr() implementation, named pjsip_parse_generic_array_hdr_imp().

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4451:

Re #1630: Prevent the update of TCP transport address if the address is zero.

comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4453:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed compilation problem due to r4275 if PJSIP_CHECK_VIA_SENT_BY is set

comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4454:

Re #1630 (misc): Added missing destroy of mutexes. This may cause failure to recreate the mutexes in some platforms (such as BB10).

comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by nanang

In 4463:

Misc (re #1630): Added doxygen describing the persistency of message data (custom/additional headers, etc) in pjsua_call_answer().

comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4466:

Re #1630: Modified OpenSSL library names for Win platform.

comment:9 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4470:

Re #1630: fixed missing parenthesis in disabled block

comment:10 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4481:

Misc (re #1630): set default frames per packet for AMR codec to 1 (from 2) because it yields lower and more consistent CPU utilization on BB10

comment:11 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4483:

Re #1630: Fixed mp3 writer to work with PJSIP 2.x (thanks to Toni Rutar for the fix)

comment:12 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4486:

Re #1630 (misc): protect against NULL in when dumping call statistic/displaying SRTP policy name which crashed BB10

comment:13 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4487:

Re #1630: fixed various warnings

comment:14 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4507:

Misc (re #1630): check for sound device idle when pjsua library is started

comment:15 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4519:

Misc re #1630: link error on iOS build if LDFLAGS contains -ObjC and PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO is disabled

comment:16 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4520:

Misc re #1630: added more error logging to SDL, to print SDL error message when an operation fails

comment:17 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4527:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed typo and missing include in coreaudio dev

comment:18 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4529:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed various error handling (sip_transport.c and sip_endpoint.c)

comment:19 Changed 12 years ago by ming

In 4531:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed private ip detection in pjsua_acc

comment:20 Changed 12 years ago by bennylp

In 4545:

Re #1630: fixed bug with via_rewrite feature. The via address is not updated on second IP change

comment:21 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4560:

Re #1630: Fixed crash due to uninitialized dialog variable in pjsua_call_set_vid_strm()

comment:22 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4564:

Misc re #1630: stop MWI subscription when account is unregistered, because we only start it after acc is registered

comment:23 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4572:

Misc (re #1630): Add randomizing interval for subscription refresh.

comment:24 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4578:

Re #1630 (misc): Removed comment about GPL as the file is actually LGPL

comment:25 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4582:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed bug of overlapping dst & src buffer for strcpy() in ice_session.c, reported to cause crash on iOS7.

comment:26 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4584:

Misc (re #1630): fixed link error when logging is completely disabled via PJ_LOG_MAX_LEVEL macro

comment:27 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4587:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed incorrect use of logical and

comment:28 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4593:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed bug of missing max_br/mbps/fs settings in h264 default profile initialization.

comment:29 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4601:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed compile warning of assigning var to itself.

comment:30 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4603:

Misc (re #1630): pjsua app param '--ip-addr' doesn't affect RTP address of local accounts.

comment:31 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4605:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed circular reference dependency build

comment:32 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4607:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed the incorrect fix of r4605 above.

comment:33 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4612:

Misc (re #1630): fixed error in parsing ldflags for building Python module

comment:34 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4621:

Misc (re #1630): replaced htons() with ntohs() in l16_decode() on little endian platforms.

comment:35 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4623:

Re #1630 (misc): Thanks to Mark Michelson for the patch

This change makes the check for libm always occur during configuration, and it
also tests for the 'sin' function since there are places in the code that
require this function.

comment:36 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4624:

Re #1630 (misc):
Fixed compiler warnings. Thanks to Mark Michelson for the patch.

comment:37 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4625:

Re #1630 (misc): related to r4623, missing the generated configure script

comment:38 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4626:

Re #1630 (misc):
Fixed os_darwinos.h (however, if PJ_AUTOCONF is defined, this file should not be used)

comment:39 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4627:

Re #1630 (misc): Thanks to Mark Michelson for the patch.

This creates an "uninstall" target in the project Makefile that will remove the installed libraries from the system.

comment:40 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4628:

Re #1630 (misc): Thanks to Mark Michelson for the patch

This changes the autoconfigure script to use different checks for ar and ranlib.
The previous methods were causing compilation failures since it may cause a non-existent "ccar" command to be run.

comment:41 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4633:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed compilation error on iOS by setting AR_FLAGS (introduced in r4628) in configure-iphone

comment:42 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4637:

Re #1630 (misc): Use the right compiler and flags to compile C++ (.cpp) files

comment:43 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4652:

Re #1630 (misc): Prevent retransmit timer cancellation during retransmission of STUN request.

This is related to ticket #1620: Fix the calculation of transmission count during retransmission of STUN request. If mod_count is set to PJ_FALSE, retransmit timer shouldn't be cancelled.

comment:44 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4667:

Re #1630: updated wrong documentation about default jb_init value in pjsua. The default is 0, not 150.

comment:45 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4688:

Misc re #1630: added string.h to pjlib-util.h. Thanks Johan lantz for the suggestion

comment:46 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4700:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed documentation of pjsip_generic_int_hdr

comment:47 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4706:

Re #1630: Updated GNU GPL COPYING file to use the official one from It has minor differences with the one we used

comment:48 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4712:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed GCC build warnings (thanks Tzafrir Cohen for the patch).

comment:49 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4713:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed symbols that should not be exported (thanks Tzafrir Cohen for the patch).

comment:50 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4714:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed some typos in the code (thanks Tzafrir Cohen for the patch).

comment:51 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4721:

Misc (re #1630): Modified configure script to only include libnsl if needed, e.g: on Solaris networking functions are in libnsl (thanks Jeremy Laine for the patch).

comment:52 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4724:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed some more typos in the codes.

comment:53 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4728:

Misc (re #1630): Fixing warnings about variable set but not used with recent gcc

comment:54 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4729:

Misc (re #1630): fix gcc warnings

comment:55 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4731:

Misc (re #1630): fixing gcc warning about variable set but unused

comment:56 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4736:

Misc (re #1630): another fixes for gcc warnings about variable set but unused

comment:57 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4747:

Misc (re #1630): fixed failure to recognize short representation of Event header

comment:58 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

In 4751:

Misc (re #1630): use static variable when registering interruptionListener thread

comment:59 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4755:

Misc (re #1630): Put back circular reference dependency (previously added by r4607).

comment:60 Changed 11 years ago by nanang

In 4760:

Misc (re #1630): Fixed missing PJ_DECL on pj_run_app() and bad type casts in WMME audio dev (thanks Louis Solomon for the report).

comment:61 Changed 11 years ago by ming

In 4767:

Re #1630 (misc): Fixed test account in java sample

comment:62 Changed 11 years ago by bennylp

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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