Custom Query (2037 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#93 Python application blocks in sys.stdin.readline() because C module running on different thread is calling a blocking OS function bennylp defect blocker release-0.5.10 applications
#232 Parse failure on big endian machines (thanks Vladimir Hozjan) bennylp defect blocker release- pjlib-util
#233 Parse failure on big endian machines (thanks Vladimir Hozjan) bennylp defect blocker release-0.7.0-rc1 pjlib-util
#451 Updated PortAudio to the latest revision nanang defect blocker release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#960 STUN compatibility problem with RFC 3489 servers (in encoding SERVER-NAME or SOFTWARE attribute) bennylp defect blocker release-1.5 pjnath
#962 STUN compatibility problem with RFC 3489 servers (in encoding SERVER-NAME or SOFTWARE attribute) bennylp defect blocker release-1.4.5 pjnath
#438 Workaround for frame bursts and drifts from audio devices nanang enhancement critical release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#866 Allow application to specify more than one STUN servers for more robustness, and continue application startup if STUN resolution fails bennylp enhancement critical release-1.4 pjsua-lib
#877 Memory consumption of the invite session grows indefinitely if call is running for long period of time and with many re-INVITES bennylp defect critical release-1.4 pjsip
#886 Broken exception in Symbian, potentially will cause undefined behavior when receiving bad SIP message bennylp defect critical release-1.4 common
#887 Re-enable compile as C++ option for libraries as part of making exception work in Symbian, and add pjlib-test to default Symbian build bennylp defect critical release-1.3 common
#959 Assertion upon receiving malformed SIP messages (thanks Andrey Kovalenko for the report) bennylp defect critical release-1.5 pjsip
#961 Assertion upon receiving malformed SIP messages (thanks Andrey Kovalenko for the report) bennylp defect critical release-1.4.5 pjsip
#963 Passthrough codec overwrites codec parameters with iLBC setting. nanang defect critical release-1.4.5 pjmedia
#975 Symbian timer heap implementation unable to schedule duration more than 2147 seconds (thanks Nir Elkayam for the report) bennylp defect critical release-1.5 pjlib
#1092 Crash when receiving various messages with "Contact: *" header format (thanks Mikko Hännikäinen for the report) bennylp defect critical release-1.7 common
#2092 Crash when receiving SDP with invalid fmtp attribute nanang defect critical release-2.8 pjmedia
#2093 Crash when parsing SDP with an invalid media format description nanang defect critical release-2.8 pjmedia
#2094 Crash when receiving SDP with invalid fmtp attribute nanang defect critical release-2.7.2 pjmedia
#2095 Crash when parsing SDP with an invalid media format description nanang defect critical release-2.7.2 pjmedia
#1 Fix echo cancellation bennylp defect major release-0.5.9 pjmedia
#2 Symbian sound device implementation bennylp enhancement major release-0.8.0 pjmedia
#7 Move PJSIP compile time configurations/settings (such as T1, T2 timers) to run-time (thanks Philippe Leuba) bennylp enhancement major release-0.9.0 pjsip
#12 Python binding for PJSUA-LIB bennylp task major common
#24 Complete Symbian Port bennylp task major ICE common
#25 Authentication loops forever when server keeps rejecting request with stale=true bennylp defect major release-0.5.10 pjsip
#26 Integrate table based G.711 encoding/decoding bennylp task major release-0.5.10 pjlib
#40 Support for asymmetric encoding/decoding ptime bennylp defect major release-0.5.10 pjmedia
#42 TCP/TLS transport bug when connection is closed bennylp defect major release-0.5.10 pjsip
#61 Support for SRTP nanang enhancement major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#81 Crash in client registration when NIC is plugged-off during registration refresh bennylp defect major release-0.5.10 pjsip
#97 Bug with URI copying in strict routing handling bennylp defect major release-0.5.10 pjsip
#104 pjsip_ctype_hdr_clone() doesn't duplicate media subtype bennylp defect major release-0.5.10 pjsip
#106 Write outside buffer in PJLIB's win32 error string bennylp defect major release-0.5.10 pjlib
#111 Workaround for forking bennylp defect major release- pjsip
#113 INVITE transaction is not destroyed immediately when ACK has the same branch as the INVITE bennylp defect major release- pjsip
#115 Release 0.5.10 does not have the correct PJ_VERSION string! bennylp defect major release- pjlib
#117 Bug in pj_array_insert() when position is equal to count-1 bennylp defect major release-0.7.0-rc1 pjlib
#118 Bug in pj_array_insert() when position is equal to count-1 bennylp defect major release- pjlib
#137 Potential memory overwrite in pjmedia session.c (thanks David Clark) bennylp defect major release- pjmedia
#138 Potential memory overwrite in pjmedia session.c (thanks David Clark) bennylp defect major release-0.7.0-rc1 pjmedia
#141 Crash on Linux when USB sound card set as the first sound card (thanks Sergei Petrov) bennylp defect major release- pjmedia
#142 Crash on Linux when USB sound card set as the first sound card (thanks Sergei Petrov) bennylp defect major release-0.7.0-rc1 pjmedia
#144 pj_ioqueue_poll() blocks forever because of invalid timeout value (thanks Igor S) bennylp defect major release- pjsip
#145 pj_ioqueue_poll() blocks forever because of invalid timeout value (thanks Igor S) bennylp defect major release-0.7.0-rc1 pjsip
#186 Bug with destination address calculation for strict route set (thanks Hoi-Ho Chan) bennylp defect major release- pjsip
#231 Add the ability to respond to any realms in SIP authentication bennylp enhancement major release-0.8.0 pjsip
#239 Error parsing quoted parameters bennylp defect major release- pjsip
#240 Error parsing quoted parameters bennylp defect major release-0.7.0-rc1 pjsip
#316 Crash in registration session when transport returns error on sending authentication retry bennylp defect major release-0.8.0 pjsip
#408 Route set shouldn't be updated once it has been set (thanks Anshuman S. Rawat) bennylp defect major release-0.8.0 pjsip
#412 Increase the randomness of guid_simple bennylp enhancement major release-0.9.0 pjlib
#418 Protect client registration session (regc) with mutex bennylp defect major release-0.9.0 pjsip
#419 IPv6 support in DNS resolvers bennylp enhancement major release-0.9.0 pjlib-util
#420 IPv6 support in PJMEDIA bennylp enhancement major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#421 IPv6 support in PJSIP bennylp enhancement major release-0.9.0 pjsip
#422 IPv6 support in PJNATH bennylp enhancement major release-2.5.5 pjnath
#467 RTP/AVP vs RTP/SAVP negotiation nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#473 Speex version upgrade and handling multiple speex audio frames nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#483 Problems with using multiple sound devices (with splitcomb) with PJSUA-LIB nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#485 Support for new TURN draft (TURN-07) and latest ICE draft (ICE-19) bennylp enhancement major release-0.9.0 pjnath
#488 When outgoing request within dialog is responded with 481 or 408, should send BYE after terminating dialog (thanks Philippe Leuba) bennylp defect major release-0.9.0 pjsip
#491 Crash in TCP/TLS transport when the listener is destroyed (thanks Christian Grigis) bennylp defect major release-0.9.0 pjsip
#525 Crash on call update or re-invite (Thanks Alexey) bennylp defect major release-0.9.0 pjsua-lib
#529 Memory leak on Symbian and possibly handle leaks on all platforms when application exits while transactions have not been terminated bennylp defect major release-1.0-rc1 pjlib
#538 Closed TCP connection should be removed from the hash table immediately bennylp defect major release-1.0-rc1 pjsip
#540 Shutdown the sound device when the media flow is idle nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjsua-lib
#541 Documentation update bennylp task major release-0.9.0 common
#575 Unregistering from Windows IOCompletionPort (IOCP) ioqueue does not close the socket handle (thanks Gang Liu for the report) bennylp defect major release-1.0-rc1 pjlib
#601 Bug with TCP server socket in IOCP ioqueue and active socket causes the ioqueue to stop accepting incoming TCP connections or 100% CPU usage bennylp defect major release-1.0-rc1 pjlib
#718 Crash when handling incoming request without rport (thanks Norma Steveley and Seth Hinze for the report) bennylp defect major release-1.1 pjsip
#719 Crash when handling incoming request without rport (thanks Norma Steveley and Seth Hinze for the report) bennylp defect major release-1.0.2 pjsip
#730 Wrong jitter buffer parameters set by the stream nanang defect major release-1.1 pjmedia
#731 Wrong jitter buffer parameters set by the stream nanang defect major release-1.0.2 pjmedia
#839 Crash in TURN lookup_ch_by_addr() function when sending data bennylp defect major release-1.3 pjnath
#865 More clever RTP transport remote address switch nanang enhancement major release-2.8 pjmedia
#913 Concurrency problem in select ioqueue may corrupt descriptor set bennylp defect major release-1.4 pjlib
#931 Logging function may infinitely recursively calls itself on Windows Mobile (thanks Emil Sturniolo for the report) bennylp defect major release-1.4 pjlib
#947 SRTP stops functioning after the library is restarted nanang defect major release-1.4 pjmedia
#1041 Unit test framework bennylp enhancement major release-1.6 common
#1119 Crash if sending UPDATE fails in session timer module because network connectivity is lost (thanks Robbie Hanson for the fix!) bennylp defect major release-1.8 pjsip
#1254 Provide different doxygen documentation for different PJSIP versions in the website ismangil enhancement major release-2.0-alpha common
#1261 Video tee ming task major release-2.0-alpha pjmedia
#1263 Video API for PJSUA-LIB nanang task major release-2.0-alpha pjsua-lib
#1265 Video events bennylp task major release-2.0-alpha pjsua-lib
#1266 Asynchronous media transport creation ming task major release-2.0-alpha2 pjsua-lib
#1271 Protect all video features inside #if PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO macro ming enhancement major release-2.0-alpha common
#1278 System specific initialization during application startup ming defect major release-2.0-alpha common
#1322 New console app ming enhancement major release-2.x applications
#1327 Simple GUI for video API testing nanang enhancement major release-2.0-alpha applications
#1330 Release notes: documentation about changes and new features in 2.0 bennylp task major release-2.0 common
#1332 Design: review the window API vs window handle passing nanang task major release-2.0-alpha pjmedia-videodev
#1334 Refactor: SDL device ming task major release-2.0-alpha pjmedia-videodev
#1376 Crash if pjsua_call_get_info() is called with disconnected call bennylp defect major release-1.12 pjsua-lib
#1487 Wrong SDP negotiator state if outgoing UPDATE or re-INVITE is challenged with 401 or 407 bennylp defect major release-1.14 pjsip
#2166 Possible buffer overread if RTCP packet length is invalid nanang defect major release-2.9 pjmedia
#5 Support for SIP UPDATE (RFC 3311) and fix the offer/answer negotiation bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjsip
#13 Send RTCP RR if stream is not transmitting RTP packets bennylp enhancement normal release-0.6.0 pjmedia
#28 Bug in Replaces header parsing bennylp defect normal release-0.5.9 pjsip
#29 Calling pjsua_create() after pjsua_destroy() fails bennylp defect normal release-0.5.10 pjlib
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