Custom Query (28 matches)


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Status: closed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#705 pjsip-test: "Bus error" on FreeBSD due to declaration of test data in read-only segment (thanks Michael Broughton for the report) bennylp defect normal unit-tests 1.0.x
#754 Wrong timestamp increment in pjmedia clock (thanks Yann for the report) nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#697 Wrong timestamp calculation causing RTCP clock skew (thanks Guido Fischer for the fix!) nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#731 Wrong jitter buffer parameters set by the stream nanang defect major pjmedia 1.0.x
#723 The case of no gap/burst may not be handled correctly in VoIP metrics calculations in RTCP-XR (thanks Johan Lantz for the report). nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#700 Segfault when calling pjmedia_transport_srtp_create() with pjmedia_srtp_setting set to NULL (thanks Ruud Klaver for the report). nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#756 Problems with IPv6 SIP transport (thanks Cedric Levequ for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsip 1.0.x
#702 Possible heap corruption in pjmedia/pasound.c callback's thread (thanks Paulo Sousa for the detail report). nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#708 Miscellaneous fixes for test module bennylp defect normal unit-tests 1.0.x
#725 Miscellaneous fixes for pjsua-lib bennylp defect minor pjsua-lib 1.0.x
#721 Miscellaneous fixes for pjmedia nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#715 Miscellaneous fixes for pjlib bennylp defect normal pjlib 1.0.x
#717 Miscellaneous fixes for applications bennylp defect normal applications 1.0.x
#750 MacOS X endianness detection on universal build (thanks Ruud Klaver for the patch) bennylp defect normal pjlib 1.0.x
#745 Jitter buffer does not discard duplicate frame if it is currently empty (thanks Mårten Wikström for the report) nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#752 Incorrect table based CRC32 calculation on big endian platforms (thanks Ruud Klaver for the fix) bennylp defect normal pjlib-util 1.0.x
#733 Handle access point disconnection-reconnection on Symbian. bennylp enhancement normal common 1.0.x
#690 Detection of handset's frame ptime in APS nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#691 Deadlock caused by ICE media transport (thanks Alain Totouom for the report) bennylp defect normal pjnath 1.0.x
#719 Crash when handling incoming request without rport (thanks Norma Steveley and Seth Hinze for the report) bennylp defect major pjsip 1.0.x
#729 Codec L16 open() doesn't initialize PLC & VAD settings (thanks Yann for the report). nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#743 Change in mapped/STUN IP address does not update ICE srflx candidate (thanks Alexei Kuznetsov for the report). bennylp defect normal pjnath 1.0.x
#711 Build fails when application uses pjmedia_snd_aps_activate_loudspeaker() (Thanks Quang Luong Thanh for the report). nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
#748 Bugs in parsing SIP torture messages (RFC 4475) (thanks Norma Steveley for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsip 1.0.x
#727 Bug in parsing tel: URI (thanks David Weidenkopf for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsip 1.0.x
#709 Auto-close sound device doesn't work when call disconnected without ever being confirmed/ringing (thanks Alexei Kuznetsov for the report). bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib 1.0.x
#714 Assertion in "../src/pjsip/sip_util.c:729: pjsip_process_route_set()" (thanks Ramesh D for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsip 1.0.x
#712 APS causes KERN-EXEC 0 error when a call has hung up (thanks Kevin Gong for the report) nanang defect normal pjmedia 1.0.x
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