Custom Query (39 matches)


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Status: closed (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#833 Support for SIP Session Timer (RFC 4028) bennylp enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#866 Allow application to specify more than one STUN servers for more robustness, and continue application startup if STUN resolution fails bennylp enhancement critical pjsua-lib trunk
#909 Integration of VoIP Audio Service (VAS) for Nokia S60 nanang enhancement normal pjmedia-audiodev trunk
#910 Configurable passthrough codecs based on audio device encoding formats capability. bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#912 Flags in logging configuration to append log file instead of overwriting it bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#918 Initial porting for Symbian 5th edition bennylp enhancement normal common trunk
#920 New pjsystest application for testing target system/device bennylp enhancement normal applications trunk
#921 New logging option/flag to include caller thread ID bennylp enhancement minor pjlib trunk
#922 Option to enable mutex related logging to assist troubleshooting concurrency problems bennylp enhancement normal pjlib trunk
#923 New API to retrieve current jitter buffer state from a stream/session nanang enhancement minor pjmedia trunk
#924 Loop media transport now allows more than one streams to receive the reflected packets bennylp enhancement minor unit-tests trunk
#925 New application to simulate network and system impairments to see how it affects the audio quality bennylp enhancement normal applications trunk
#929 Improvement in packet lost concealment (PLC) when handling burst of lost packets nanang enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#930 New PJSUA-LIB account option to add user defined parameters to the Contact header nanang enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#935 New PJLIB API pj_sockaddr_parse2() to parse "HOSTPART[:PORT]" format into the correspondong hostpart and port bennylp enhancement normal pjlib trunk
#783 Latency issue with Windows Mobile (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#877 Memory consumption of the invite session grows indefinitely if call is running for long period of time and with many re-INVITES bennylp defect critical pjsip trunk
#886 Broken exception in Symbian, potentially will cause undefined behavior when receiving bad SIP message bennylp defect critical common trunk
#906 Transaction is not destroyed when transport timeout event comes later than transaction timeout (thanks Norma Steveley for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#911 Crash when receiving NOTIFY after subscription is terminated (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#913 Concurrency problem in select ioqueue may corrupt descriptor set bennylp defect major pjlib trunk
#915 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal common trunk
#916 Crash in TURN client when TCP connection is used bennylp defect normal pjnath trunk
#919 An iLBC session must use same mode in both directions. nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#926 SDP parser compliance with RFC 4566 (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#927 PIDF timestamp is not added to the tuple (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) bennylp defect minor pjsip trunk
#928 Error linking PJSIP due to inclusion of aes_tables.c in libsrtp (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) bennylp defect minor third-party trunk
#931 Logging function may infinitely recursively calls itself on Windows Mobile (thanks Emil Sturniolo for the report) bennylp defect major pjlib trunk
#933 Incoming OPTIONS may trigger assertion if it arrives when PJSUA-LIB is being shutdown (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#934 Incoming request requiring non-built-in SIP extensions always gets rejected nanang defect normal pjsip trunk
#938 Presence PIDF document may be rejected by presence servers that implement strict XML checking (thanks Johan Lantz for the fix) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#939 Throwing exception inside exception handler will cause infinite loop (thanks Roman Puls for the report) bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#942 MIPS test fails on iLBC encode/decode. nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#943 Assertion in destroying stream port with SRTP in MIPS test nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#944 Miscellaneous fixes to pjmedia_test bennylp defect normal unit-tests trunk
#945 Account config may not get initialized with default values if pjsua_acc_config_default() is called before pjsua_init() bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#946 Symbian kern-exec 0 in resolving IPv6 address. bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#947 SRTP stops functioning after the library is restarted nanang defect major pjmedia trunk
#948 Replaces extension stops functioning after the library is restarted. bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.