Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1242 Too many re-INVITEs sent by PJSUA-LIB, to lock codec and to conclude ICE negotiation bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1412 Account specific NAT settings: STUN, ICE, and TURN bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1553 Account setting to disable re-INVITE or UPDATE to lock codec bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1567 Option to use STUN2 format for resolving mapped address bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1568 Smarter media re-initialization on call refresh with SDP re-offer/answer bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1595 Allow call hangup immediately after outgoing call bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#1550 Auto re-registration does not work if application does not set on_transport_state(). bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1555 Bug with via_rewrite feature when the account gets deleted (thanks to Regis Montoya for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1563 Crash when resolving STUN when there is no network connectivity bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1572 Modifying video stream in a call caused duplicate transport attributes in the SDP (thanks to Itay Bianco for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1574 Failure to initialize media channel when answering call using pjsua_call_answer()/answer2() with opt set to NULL (thanks to Regis for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1578 Possible deadlock when call is adding new media with ICE and STUN enabled bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1580 Assertion in local SDP validation when using SRTP mandatory and receiving offer with SRTP optional duplicated media bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1588 State PJSIP_INV_STATE_NULL is called after call has been disconnected bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1591 Fixed dialog locking in acquire_call() when media transport is created asynchronously. bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1597 Handle socket failure in STUN resolution when coming back from iPhone/iOS background mode bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1599 Fixed bug that caused new contact not being used in UPDATE/re-INVITE bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1605 Cannot enable video via pjsua_call_reinvite2()/update2() bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1607 Send UDP keep-alive to original request address if response comes from different address bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1626 Assertion when remote sends re-INVITE with less media bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#1627 Callback on_tsx_state_changed() not invoked on call disconnection bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.