Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#1229 closed defect (fixed)

Bug in STUN resolver causes delay for 4 seconds if packet is lost. Also add other enhancements to the resolver (thanks Guy Zelkha for the report)

Reported by: bennylp Owned by: bennylp
Priority: normal Milestone: release-1.10
Component: pjlib-util Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:
Backport to 1.x milestone: Backported:

Description (last modified by bennylp)

Bug fixes and enhancements to the simple STUN resolver (in PJLIB-UTIL, not PJNATH)


  1. Bug: if UDP packet is lost, the resolver will wait until all retransmissions are done, which means 4 seconds delay.


  1. Allow caller to specify only 1 STUN server, for faster result.
  2. If both servers point to the same address, only one will be used.
  3. Decrease retransmission delay from 1000 ms to 500 ms for more responsive result.
  4. Reduce memory consumption (from 1024 to 400 bytes).

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by bennylp

  • Description modified (diff)
  • Summary changed from Delay for up to four (4) seconds when using STUN on certain iPhone systems (thanks Guy Zelkha for the report) to Bug in STUN resolver causes delay for 4 seconds if packet is lost. Also add other enhancements to the resolver (thanks Guy Zelkha for the report)

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by bennylp

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

(In [3540]) Fix #1229: bug fix and enhancements for PJLIB-UTIL STUN client:


  1. Bug: if UDP packet is lost, the resolver will wait until all retransmissions are done, which means 4 seconds delay.


  1. Allow caller to specify only 1 STUN server, for faster result.
  2. If both servers point to the same address, only one will be used.
  3. Decrease retransmission delay from 1000 ms to 500 ms for more responsive result.
  4. Reduce memory consumption (from 1024 to 400 bytes).
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