#1107 closed enhancement (fixed)
iPhone: Add support for Apple iOS4 background feature
Reported by: | bennylp | Owned by: | bennylp |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | release-1.8 |
Component: | pjlib | Version: | trunk |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Backport to 1.x milestone: | Backported: |
Description (last modified by ming)
Apple iOS4 has added new feature to put application in "background mode", where the state of the application is suspended but it's able to record&play audio and receive TCP frames.
This ticket adds support for this feature.
Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by bennylp
- Summary changed from Investigate the support for Apple iOS4 background feature to iPhone: Investigate the support for Apple iOS4 background feature
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by ming
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by ming
To enable multitasking support of iPhone OS, set PJ_IPHONE_OS_HAS_MULTITASKING_SUPPORT to 1. Then application can use the API pj_activesock_set_iphone_os_bg() to set iPhone OS background mode setting. Setting the value to 1 will enable TCP active socket to receive incoming data when application is in the background. The default value of this setting is PJ_ACTIVESOCK_TCP_IPHONE_OS_BG. By default, both these settings are enabled on iPhone OS 4 when you run configure-iphone (see http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/Getting-Started/iPhone).
In the case of an incoming phone call, your application would typically alert the user immediately using a local notification. (See ipjsua's pjsua_app.c:on_incoming_call() callback for example).
For reference on how to configure your application to execute in the background, please visit:
comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by ming
- Description modified (diff)
- Summary changed from iPhone: Investigate the support for Apple iOS4 background feature to iPhone: Add support for Apple iOS4 background feature
In r3299: Implemented iOS4 background feature