Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#95 fixed Keep-alive mechanism for TCP and TLS transports bennylp bennylp

TCP and TLS transports should periodically transmit packet to keep the connection and NAT binding open.

#97 fixed Bug with URI copying in strict routing handling bennylp bennylp

Ryder Rishel <ryderblue-NO at> points out bug with URI copying when handling strict-route request. It manifests itself in a double "<<" characters in the Route header of outgoing requests sent by pjsip:

Route: <<sip:pjsip-perf@;transport=udp>>
#98 fixed Error binding transports to specific IP in PJSUA-API bennylp bennylp

When application tries to bind SIP transports to specific IP address, the library will return error even though the IP address is a valid address of the local interface:

pjsua_core.c bind() error: Cannot assign requested address [status=120099]

Thanks Hoi-Ho Chan for reporting this.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.