Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#97 fixed Bug with URI copying in strict routing handling bennylp bennylp

Ryder Rishel <ryderblue-NO at> points out bug with URI copying when handling strict-route request. It manifests itself in a double "<<" characters in the Route header of outgoing requests sent by pjsip:

Route: <<sip:pjsip-perf@;transport=udp>>
#98 fixed Error binding transports to specific IP in PJSUA-API bennylp bennylp

When application tries to bind SIP transports to specific IP address, the library will return error even though the IP address is a valid address of the local interface:

pjsua_core.c bind() error: Cannot assign requested address [status=120099]

Thanks Hoi-Ho Chan for reporting this.

#99 fixed Implement a generic UAC transaction timeout bennylp bennylp

Currently UAC transaction does not set any timeout timer after a provisional response has been received. If the server crashes after it sends provisional response, then the client will get stucked forefer (for example, for client registration).

This behavior is compliant with RFC 3261, but nevertheless it's not robust, so the stack should better provide a mechanism for setting up such timer.

This ticket supersedes ticket #89 since it solves the problem in more generic manner.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.