Opened 12 years ago

#1679 new enhancement

Video FPS/framerate converter

Reported by: nanang Owned by: nanang
Priority: normal Milestone: Known-Issues-and-Ideas
Component: pjmedia Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:
Backport to 1.x milestone: Backported: no


When first PJSUA video preview (capturer) is started with framerate 30 fps, any video call using that capturer will "process" video stream with framerate 30 fps too, regardless if video stream is started with different framerate (and the RTP timestamp still uses video stream framerate, instead of capturer framerate).


  • By closing the video preview before call established, so capturer will be opened with framerate based on call video stream settings.

Attachments (2)

fps-converter.patch (3.8 KB) - added by nanang 12 years ago.
Proposed patch from Arkadiusz Wronski, thanks. Note: Works only in case we want to lower the fps, and tested only with values being multiplication of 5.
fps-converter-ver2.patch (3.9 KB) - added by ming 12 years ago.
Revised version to support multiple streams

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 12 years ago by nanang

Proposed patch from Arkadiusz Wronski, thanks. Note: Works only in case we want to lower the fps, and tested only with values being multiplication of 5.

Changed 12 years ago by ming

Revised version to support multiple streams

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