Custom Query (2037 matches)


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Results (2001 - 2037 of 2037)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#945 Account config may not get initialized with default values if pjsua_acc_config_default() is called before pjsua_init() bennylp defect normal release-1.4 pjsua-lib
#1142 Account based configuration to specify if "c=" method should be used when putting call on hold (thanks Marcus Froeschl for the suggestion) bennylp enhancement normal release-1.8.5 pjsua-lib
#355 Account ID is not initialized in pjsua_call_info for outgoing call (thanks Lemmel) bennylp defect normal release-0.8.0 pjsua-lib
#45 Accept, Allow, Supported, and generic string header should allow empty hvalue bennylp defect normal release-0.5.10 pjsip
#495 Ability to specify different clock rate when opening sound device in PJSUA-LIB bennylp enhancement normal release-0.9.0 pjsua-lib
#403 Ability to specify RConnection instance etc in PJLIB Symbian bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjlib
#337 Ability to restart PJSIP UDP transport bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjsip
#315 Ability to override pj_assert bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjlib
#1760 Ability to get access to TCP socket handle of the SIP transport bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjsip
#738 APS-Direct: support for native codec in Nokia handsets bennylp enhancement normal release-1.1 common
#695 APS causes KERN-EXEC 0 error when a call has hung up (thanks Kevin Gong for the report) nanang defect normal release-1.1 pjmedia
#712 APS causes KERN-EXEC 0 error when a call has hung up (thanks Kevin Gong for the report) nanang defect normal release-1.0.2 pjmedia
#1590 APIs to facilitate pending processing of pjsip_rx_data bennylp enhancement normal release-2.1 pjsip
#2041 API to handle IP address change bennylp enhancement normal release-2.7 pjsip
#1379 API to check if video stream is running bennylp task normal release-2.0-alpha2 pjsua-lib
#2080 API for updating remote target via re-INVITE/UPDATE bennylp enhancement normal release-2.8 pjsua-lib
#859 AMR-WB format param in the SDP is not negotiated correctly. nanang defect normal release-1.3 pjmedia
#1307 AMR with VAD turned on causes loud noise nanang defect normal release-1.12 pjmedia
#793 AMR encoder should regard 'mode-set' param specified by remote decoder. nanang enhancement normal release-1.3 pjmedia
#2223 ALSA sound device wrapper implementation ignores period size returned by ALSA riza defect normal release-2.10 pjmedia-audiodev
#1943 AES-GCM crypto support for SRTP nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia
#1725 ACK is not sent upon receiving 200/OK retransmission if re-INVITE is sent bennylp defect normal release-2.2 pjsip
#1756 A race condition in SIP transaction termination bennylp defect normal release-2.3 pjsip
#130 4.4.3 Implement new ICE media transport in PJMEDIA bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#128 4.4.2 Implement PJLIB API to enumerate local network interface bennylp task normal ICE pjlib
#129 4.4.1 Implement SDP support for ICE related attributes bennylp task normal ICE pjmedia
#127 4.3.1 Implement TURN extension for STUN server bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#125 4.2.4 Implement server side STUN authentication (short and long term) bennylp task normal ICE applications
#124 4.2.4 Implement client-side STUN authentication (short and long term) bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#123 4.2.2 Implement STUN server Binding request handler with response caching bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#119 4.2.1 STUN messages representation and encoding/decoding bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#121 4.2.1 Implement generic STUN client transaction bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#122 4.2.1 Implement STUN Binding request transaction bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#853 ./configure with --disable-sound argument does not work nanang defect normal release-1.3 pjmedia-audiodev
#852 --ip-addr support for IPv6 for media transport in pjsua bennylp defect normal release-1.3 applications
#195 --contact command line option is ignored in pjsua bennylp defect normal release- pjsua-lib
#1011 "Invalid operation step" assertion when TCP is used bennylp defect normal release-1.6 pjsip
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