Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2168 fixed Add media event for audio device error nanang nanang

Reported that WMME audio device thread could be suddenly stopped in a long duration call (about 8 hours or so). Unfortunately it is quite difficult to investigate the cause. So a workaround is to notify app when it happens so app can restart the audio device.

Thanks Mario Ban for the report.

#2166 fixed Possible buffer overread if RTCP packet length is invalid nanang ming

If RTCP packet length is invalid (contains a large number), there is a potential buffer overread, which may lead to crash when parsing the packet.

The problem is caused because when parsing, we pass the invalid length as the packet size in pjmedia_rtcp_rx_rtcp() (rtcp.c), for example:

	len = (pj_ntohs((pj_uint16_t)common->length)+1) * 4;
        parse_rtcp_report(sess, p, len);
#2165 fixed Support video only call in pjsua bennylp ming

Currently, there are a couple of problems when making video only call (aud_cnt = 0) with pjsua:

  • sound device still opened
  • incoming video-only call will be rejected with 488

This ticket will fix these issues.

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