Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#112 fixed Workaround for forking bennylp bennylp

This is the duplicated ticket for the main branch.

See ticket #111 for details.

#113 fixed INVITE transaction is not destroyed immediately when ACK has the same branch as the INVITE bennylp bennylp

When an ACK to 2xx response has the same Via branch parameter to the INVITE transaction, the invite session does not destroy the INVITE transaction immediately, causing subsequent INVITE to fail with 500/Internal Server Error when the new INVITE comes before the previous INVITE terminates (with timer).

Note that ACK for 2xx response normally has different Via branch value than in the INVITE transaction since it represents separate transaction, so this should be quite a rare situation.

Thanks Sasa Coh for the report.

#114 fixed INVITE transaction is not destroyed immediately when ACK has the same branch as the INVITE bennylp bennylp

This is the duplicate of ticket #113 for the main branch.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.