Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#478 fixed Handle duplicated/misordered incoming DTMF packets nanang nanang

The incoming RFC 2833 DTMF handler does not handle the case where RTP packets arrive out of order. In this case, the packets may cause stream.c to detect them as multiple DTMF events.

#479 fixed Allow transport framework to return transport specific info nanang nanang

Currently, media transport info only return socket info, this is considered to be insufficient since specific transport info could not be fetched.

This enhancement will also answer a feature request about SRTP status retrieval. (thanks Klaus Darilion)

#480 fixed PJSIP rejects incoming call with m=image in the offer (thanks Thiago) nanang nanang

PJSIP will reject incoming call with unknown media in the media line (for example, m=image line), even when the offer contains audio media line.

The correct behavior would be to accept the session and only reject the unsupported media line with zero port.

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