Custom Query (11 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#411 Cannot update account presence's status while previous PUBLISH is in progress (thanks Olivier Beytrison for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk 17 years
#917 INVITE/CANCEL may be sent to different servers than the INVITE when DNS SRV is used (thanks Alexei Kuznetsov for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#936 CANCEL must be sent with TCP if the INVITE was sent with TCP because of 1300 bytes message size/MTU limit (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#940 Multiple header rows with the same name may not be completely processed by PJSIP modules. bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#954 Session Timer fixes bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#959 Assertion upon receiving malformed SIP messages (thanks Andrey Kovalenko for the report) bennylp defect critical trunk 15 years
#965 Receiving (malformed) re-INVITE with the same Via branch parameter value as previous INVITE would raise assertion (thanks Daniel Nanassy for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#966 Bad RPID <person> id attribute generation (thanks Filipe Figueiredo for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#967 Wrong Route header generation in CANCEL request with strict route bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#979 Crash when printing Retry-After header (thanks Andrey Kovalenko for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
#986 Assertion when authorization PJSIP_AUTH_AUTO_SEND_NEXT is enabled (thanks Zhefeng Du for the report) bennylp defect normal trunk 15 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.