Custom Query (14 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#793 AMR encoder should regard 'mode-set' param specified by remote decoder. nanang enhancement normal trunk 15 years
#830 Echo canceller/suppressor produces tick noises. nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#834 Delay buffer's mutex leaks (thanks Girish Kumar for the report). nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#841 Possibility of naming collisions for codecs using ITU implementation (thanks Johan Lantz for the report). nanang enhancement normal trunk 15 years
#844 Assertion in on_rx_rtp(transport_udp.c) possibly due to race condition (thanks Peter Cai and Michael Broughton for the report) nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#849 Modify conference audio switch behavior in connecting ports. nanang enhancement normal trunk 15 years
#855 Bug in digit map frequencies for DTMF digits (thanks FCCH for the report) nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#859 AMR-WB format param in the SDP is not negotiated correctly. nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#862 SRTP should accept tag 0 in crypto attribute in the SDP nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#874 Some codecs don't maintain timestamp (Thanks Roman Imankulov for the patch) nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#883 Add user defined NAT hole-punching and keep-alive mechanism to media stream nanang enhancement normal trunk 15 years
#884 Codec must not generate keep-alive frames when PJMEDIA_CODEC_MAX_SILENCE_PERIOD is set to -1 (disabled) nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#895 pjmedia-test crashes due to unable to find jbtest.dat nanang defect normal trunk 15 years
#808 G.722.1 conflict between internal and IPP bennylp task normal trunk 15 years
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