Custom Query (52 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#461 New Jitter Buffer Development nanang enhancement normal pjmedia users_nanang

Status: new (51 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#4 Bug in message framing detection bennylp defect major pjsip
#8 Fix escaping rules in To/From tag and Via parameter bennylp defect minor pjsip
#9 Implement audio preprocessor in PJMEDIA bennylp enhancement minor pjmedia
#11 Multihomed operations bennylp enhancement major common
#15 Via branch parameter should be compared case-insensitively bennylp defect minor pjsip
#16 pj_hex_digits in ctype.c should be made const bennylp defect minor pjlib
#17 Fix inconsistent convention on when to destroy tx_data bennylp defect major pjsip
#18 Structured testing for PJSIP-UA bennylp enhancement major pjsip
#20 Fix /dev/epoll backend for the ioqueue bennylp defect major pjlib
#22 2xx without SDP is accepted!! bennylp defect major pjsip
#23 GCC with optimization causes different parsing result bennylp defect major common
#96 Stop sound device when conference is idle bennylp enhancement normal pjmedia
#508 Support for MPEG2 audio codec nanang enhancement normal pjmedia
#509 Audio "clicks" with re-INVITE nanang defect normal pjmedia
#605 Support for codec with non-integer ptime (e.g: MELP with ptime 22.5ms). nanang enhancement normal pjmedia
#1368 Changing output volume on Symbian MDA causes audio routing switch nanang defect normal pjmedia-audiodev
#378 Implement merged request detection bennylp defect major pjsip trunk
#530 Transaction PJSIP_TSX_STATE_TRYING state is not propaged properly to dialog usages bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#645 Bad tone generated by the floating point backend with high tone frequency (thanks Olle Frimanson for the report) nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#647 Assign STUN and TURN as default candidate only when the resolution/allocation is complete (thanks Stephen D. Strowes for the suggestion) bennylp defect minor pjnath trunk
#656 Error processing DNS SRV response when SRV entries contain the same host bennylp defect normal pjlib-util trunk
#872 Symbian MDA/MFF sound device to use G.711 codec as its native format and possibly support MDA-Direct nanang enhancement normal pjmedia-audiodev trunk
#949 Refreshing session in Session Timer should also notice media transport attributes in SDP offer/answer. bennylp defect minor pjsip trunk
#1022 Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) support bennylp enhancement normal pjnath trunk
#1082 Plain SIP URI is used in Contact header with SIPS destination bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#1083 The design of the SIP TLS transport may not allow multiple certificates to be loaded bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#1096 Assertion in sending UPDATE after receiving 200/INVITE response without to-tag bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#1105 SDP connection info with multicast address not parsed properly (thanks Simon Bolten for the report) nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#1150 Fail to process PIDF XML document if the nodes are namespaced (thanks Johan Lantz for the report) bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#1167 Receiving 481 response while in early dialog stage does not seem to terminate the dialog bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#1169 Automatically retry the re-INVITE or UPDATE request upon receiving 419/Request Pending response bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#1178 Handle SRTP SDES parameters nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#1198 Wrong RTCP loss period calculation with multiple frames per RTP packet nanang defect minor pjmedia trunk
#1217 Support for custom presence message body with existing PJSUA-LIB buddy management bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#1293 Option to specify explicit entity-tag in PUBLISH request (thanks Johan Lantz for the suggestion) bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#1411 Rejecting SDP (re)offer with c line and port non zero, but no rtpmap for dynamic payload types nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#1477 Wait for keyframe after a video frame lost to minimize video distortion (thanks Faba Aa for the feedback) nanang enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#1543 When multiple frames per packet is set, DTMF event retransmission is reduced nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#1679 Video FPS/framerate converter nanang enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#1711 Reversed order of on_call_tsx_state() notifications on incoming request within call bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#1724 Use static analysis tool to detect bugs bennylp task normal common trunk
#1839 Cppcheck a static analysis tool for C/C++ code bennylp task normal common trunk
#1973 Data races in pjmedia stream nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#1992 Set INVITE transaction state to Terminated after sending OK bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#1277 IPP backend for video codecs nanang enhancement normal pjmedia 2.0-dev-branch
#63 Fully non-blocking TLS connect/accept bennylp enhancement normal pjsip 0.5.9
#88 URL selection menu not working for all pjsua commands bennylp defect minor applications 0.5.9
#281 Failed scenarios with CANCEL requests (thanks Esbjörn Dominique) bennylp defect normal pjsip
#160 Bug with iLBC mode negotiation (thanks Michael Smith) bennylp defect normal pjmedia
#1486 Starting iOS 5, VP IO cannot route audio output to "Line Out" nanang defect normal pjmedia-audiodev common
#1489 FFmpeg audio codecs implementation (patch attached) nanang enhancement normal pjmedia common
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