Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#797 Behavior when cancelling INVITE before provisional response is received bennylp defect normal 1.0.x fixed
#795 Bug with generating SDP version in origin line (thanks Joel Dodson for the report) bennylp defect normal 1.0.x fixed
#897 Bug with generating SDP version in origin line (thanks Joel Dodson for the report) bennylp defect normal 1.0.x duplicate
#846 Crash in 100rel after CANCEL is received and 487 is sent (thanks Gang Liu for the report) bennylp defect normal 1.0.x fixed
#843 Error parsing status line in sipfrag message body in call transfer scenario (thanks Tomáš Valenta for the report!) bennylp defect normal 1.0.x fixed
#796 Handle the case when CANCEL is responded with 200/OK but 487 is not sent bennylp defect normal 1.0.x fixed
#816 Re-INVITE transactions takes too long to be cleared when failed final response is received, causing application to unable to send subsequent re-INVITE (thanks Ruud Klaver for the report) bennylp defect normal 1.0.x fixed
#799 UAC disconnect call when receiving BYE in early state (thanks Gang Liu for the suggestion) bennylp defect normal 1.0.x fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.