Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#597 Error reading WAV files when there are extra chunks after DATA chunk (thanks Thomas Johnson for the patch) nanang defect normal trunk 16 years
#1188 Audio breakups after jitter buffer discarding frames (thanks Bogdan Krakowski for the report) nanang defect normal trunk 14 years
#1199 Support G722 with 10ms packet length (thanks Erik Waling for the report) nanang enhancement normal trunk 13 years
#1200 Support IPP version 7.0 nanang enhancement normal trunk 13 years
#1206 Add pjmedia_stream API to get the last frame type retrieved from the jitter buffer. nanang enhancement normal trunk 13 years
#1210 Misc coreaudio fixes for iPhone OS (setting Audio Session category in stream creation and after interruption) nanang enhancement normal trunk 13 years
#1233 Wrong SDP media transport parsed when the media line has no format nanang defect normal trunk 13 years
#1243 ICE bug: If RTCP is not in use, the agent MUST signal that using b=RS:0 and b=RR:0 nanang defect normal trunk 13 years
#1249 Memory corruption bug in splitcomb (thanks Peter Lukac for the report and the fix) nanang defect normal trunk 13 years

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1189 Click noise produced by the jitter buffer when it progressively discard audio frames to improve latency (thanks Bogdan Krakowski for the patch) nanang defect normal trunk 14 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.