Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1999 Linking errors with OpenSSL 1.1.0 when backward compatibility settings turned off bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2006 Android build fail when using NDK r14 caused by the removal of android_alarm.h bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2030 Improve error handling in OpenSSL socket bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2044 Compile time setting for QoS using IP_TOS/IPV6_TCLASS on Darwin OS bennylp enhancement normal trunk fixed
#2000 Prevent overflow on pj_generate_unique_string() for android bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#2019 Conflict with "isblank" when building using g++ 5.4.0 bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#2020 pj_hash_calc_tolower() might return a different hash value bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#2027 Assertion in pj_gethostip() when system hostname is empty bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
#2039 Memory corruption caused by pj_sockaddr_parse() bennylp defect normal trunk fixed
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