Custom Query (8 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1513 pj_pool_safe_release() API bennylp enhancement normal trunk 12 years
#1961 Timer not fired due to timestamp clock issue in Android bennylp defect normal trunk 8 years
#1963 QoS for IPv6 for platform that supports IPV6_TCLASS bennylp enhancement normal trunk 8 years
#1964 QoS for darwin OS which supports SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE bennylp enhancement normal trunk 8 years
#1969 Crash on using an already destroyed SSL socket bennylp defect normal trunk 8 years
#1979 Add support to parse address string with scope ID bennylp enhancement normal trunk 8 years
#1984 Remove the implementation of PJ_HASH_USE_OWN_TOLOWER bennylp defect normal trunk 8 years
#1989 Implement pj_strtok()/pj_strtok2() to replace strtok() bennylp enhancement normal trunk 7 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.