Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#39 Add incoming URI string in pjsua_call_info bennylp enhancement minor 0.5.9 wontfix
#41 GUI program crashes occasionally (invalid) bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 invalid
#69 (invalid) Bug when the same call id is reused in PJSUA-API bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 invalid
#32 sndtest sample doesn't display the device name correctly bennylp defect minor 0.5.9 fixed
#46 Added recording capability in streamutil bennylp enhancement minor 0.5.9 fixed
#52 Functions to retrieve media port of player and recorder bennylp enhancement minor 0.5.9 fixed
#77 Allow playback of multiple files in pjsua bennylp enhancement normal 0.5.9 fixed
#85 Visual Studio 2005 Sample-Makefile bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#92 Undefined OpenSSL/ALSA symbols when running Python bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
#93 Python application blocks in sys.stdin.readline() because C module running on different thread is calling a blocking OS function bennylp defect blocker 0.5.9 fixed
#107 Fixed deadlock in ioqueue unregistration with IOCP bennylp defect normal 0.5.9 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.