#866 closed enhancement (fixed)
Allow application to specify more than one STUN servers for more robustness, and continue application startup if STUN resolution fails
Reported by: | bennylp | Owned by: | bennylp |
Priority: | critical | Milestone: | release-1.4 |
Component: | pjsua-lib | Version: | trunk |
Keywords: | sipit24 | Cc: | johan |
Backport to 1.x milestone: | Backported: |
Description (last modified by bennylp)
Currently if STUN server is down, PJSUA-LIB initialization will fail. Having more than one STUN servers will increase the robustness of the application in this case.
Also it may be desirable to allow application startup to continue when STUN servers fail to be contacted. Some firewall with SIP ALG (notably Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway) may decidedly block STUN traffic, since it can manipulate private address in SIP packet into public address.
Change History (7)
comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by bennylp
- Keywords sipit24 added
- Milestone changed from Sipit24 to release-1.3
- Version changed from Sipit24 to trunk
comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by bennylp
- Cc johan added
- Priority changed from normal to critical
comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by bennylp
- Milestone changed from release-1.3 to release-1.4
comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by bennylp
- Description modified (diff)
- Summary changed from Option to continue application startup without STUN to Allow application to specify more than one STUN servers for more robustness, and continue application startup if STUN resolution fails
comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by bennylp
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by bennylp
Some test data for future reference:
- --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org
- --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org:3478
- --stun-srv pjsip.org --nameserver
- --stun-srv pjsip.org:3478 --nameserver
- --stun-srv sip.pjsip.org --nameserver
- --stun-srv sip.pjsip.org:3478 --nameserver
- --stun-srv helloworld --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org
- --stun-srv --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org
- --stun-srv --stun-srv --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org
- --stun-srv helloworld --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org --nameserver
- --stun-srv --nameserver
- --stun-srv --nameserver
- --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org:12345 --stun-srv stun.pjsip.org:3478
- --stun-srv helloworld --stun-srv
comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by nanang
In r2895:
- Fixed compile error caused by implicit conversion from void* in test_stun_on_status().
Note: See
TracTickets for help on using
Done in r2864:
pjsua application: