
Version 4 (modified by bennylp, 10 years ago) (diff)


Generating This Documentation


This documentation is created with Sphinx and Breathe. Here are the required tools:

  1. Doxygen is required. Install it for your platform.

  2. On Ubuntu, the easiest way to install all the tools is with Python Package Index (PyPI). Just run this and it will install Sphinx, Breathe, and all the required tools if they are not installed:

    $ sudo pip install breathe
  3. Otherwise consult Sphinx and Breathe sites for installation instructions and you may need to install these manually:

Rendering The Documentation

The main source of the documentation is currently the '''Trac''' pages at The copies in SVN are just copies for backup.

To render the documentation as HTML in _build/html directory:

$ cd $PJDIR/doc/pjsip-book
$ python
$ make

To build PDF, run:

$ make latexpdf

How to Use Integrate Book with Doxygen

Quick sample:

will be rendered like this:

This is how to quote a code with syntax coloring:

.. code-block:: c++

     pj::AudioMediaPlayer *player = new AudioMediaPlayer;

There are many ways to refer a symbol:

* A method: :cpp:func:`pj::AudioMediaPlayer::createPlayer()`
* A method with alternate display: :cpp:func:`a method <pj::AudioMediaPlayer::createPlayer()>`
* A class :cpp:class:`pj::AudioMediaPlayer`
* A class with alternate display: :cpp:class:`a class <pj::AudioMediaPlayer>`

For that links to work, we need to display the link target declaration (a class or method)
somewhere in the doc, like this:

.. doxygenclass:: pj::AudioMediaPlayer
      :path: xml

Alternatively we can display a single method declaration like this:

.. doxygenfunction:: pj::AudioMediaPlayer::createPlayer()
      :path: xml

We can also display class declaration with specific members.

For more info see `Breathe documentation <>`_
.. default-domain:: cpp

will be rendered like this:

This is how to quote a code with syntax coloring:

pj::AudioMediaPlayer *player = new AudioMediaPlayer;

There are many ways to refer a symbol:

For that links to work, we need to display the link target declaration (a class or method) somewhere in the doc, like this:

.. doxygenclass:: pj::AudioMediaPlayer
     :path: xml

Alternatively we can display a single method declaration like this:

.. doxygenfunction:: pj::AudioMediaPlayer::createPlayer()
     :path: xml

We can also display class declaration with specific members.

For more info see Breathe documentation