7 | | ||Portable|| 32bit, 64bit, big/little endian, any OS.|| |
8 | | ||Extensive Documentation|| There can never be enough documentation, so we try to provide readers with hundreds of pages worth of documentations (some are generated from the source, some are handwritten documents).|| |
9 | | |
10 | | |
11 | | Target Platforms |
| 7 | ||Portable|| 32bit, 64bit, big/little endian, realtime, any operating system, or even no operating system.|| |
| 8 | ||Extensive Documentation|| There can never be enough documentation, so we try to provide readers with hundreds of pages worth of documentation (some are generated from the source, some are handwritten documents).|| |
| 9 | |
| 10 | |
| 11 | == Target Platforms == |
52 | | Language Bindings |
53 | | C All libraries are written in C. |
54 | | C++ There's C++ wrapper for PJLIB (pj++ library), but it's not maintained and probably will be removed in the future. |
55 | | Python The Python binding for PJSUA-LIB has been implemented in 0.5.10 release. The documentation for Python is integrated in PJSUA-API Documentation. |
56 | | ActiveX |
57 | | |
58 | | This would open possibility to write SIP User Agents in Visual Basic (VB) or C# .NET. Once we had an experimental ActiveX component for pjsua-lib, but the development has been cancelled. Please see the projects page for open source project that wraps PJSIP as .NET component. |
59 | | |
60 | | (If you'd like to download the old code, get the revision 492 of pjproject trunk. The ActiveX source code is in pjsip-apps/src/activex-pjsua directory). |
| 52 | == Language Bindings == |
| 53 | ||C || All libraries are written in C. |
| 54 | ||Python || The Python binding for PJSUA-LIB has been implemented in 0.5.10 release. The documentation for Python is integrated in PJSUA-API Documentation. |
| 55 | ||C# || SipekSDK is an implementation by pjsip community member Sasa Coh. |
| 56 | ||Java|| Several exists by community members, for example . |
| 57 | ||C++|| There's C++ wrapper for PJLIB (pj++ library), but it's not maintained and probably will be removed in the future. |
| 58 | |