Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Nokia_APS_VAS_Direct

Feb 12, 2009 2:48:55 PM (16 years ago)

Added instructions for using APS-Direct (initial version).


  • Nokia_APS_VAS_Direct

    v3 v4  
    1919Due to these benefits, the ability to use these codecs in PJSIP applications is very desirable. 
     21Note that non-APS codecs can still be used as usual, e.g: GSM, Speex/8000. 
    6567The APS/VAS based sound device backends will support additional APIs: 
    66  - to query the list of supported codecs/formats, 
     68 - to query the list of supported codecs/formats (for APS, the list is currently hardcoded), 
    6769 - to set which format to use when opening the sound device, 
    6870 - audio routing to loudspeaker or earpiece (this API is already available) 
    103105== Using APS-Direct or VAS-Direct == 
    105 TBD. 
     107Currently, it's only APS-Direct that has been implemented, here are the steps to build an application with APS-Direct feature. 
     109 1. Enable APS sound device implementation as described [ here]. 
     110 1. Enable audio switch board, i.e. in config_site.h: 
     111 {{{ 
     112#define PJMEDIA_CONF_USE_SWITCH_BOARD   1 
     113 }}} 
     114 1. Enable passthrough codecs, i.e. in config_site.h: 
     115 {{{ 
     117 }}} 
     119For building sample application {{{symbian_ua}}}, those steps are enough since it's already prepared to use APS-Direct.  
     121For general application, there are few more things to be handled: 
     122 - Reopening sound device when it needs to change the active format/codec, e.g: when a call is confirmed and stream has been created, the sound device format should be matched to the SDP negotiation result. Here is the sample code for application that using pjsua-lib, reopening sound device is done in {{{on_stream_created()}}} pjsua callback, this will replace the precreated pjsua-lib sound device instance: 
     123 {{{ 
     124/* Global sound port. */ 
     125static pjmedia_snd_port *snd_port; 
     127/* Reopen sound device on on_stream_created() pjsua callback. */ 
     128static void on_stream_created(pjsua_call_id call_id,  
     129                              pjmedia_session *sess, 
     130                              unsigned stream_idx,  
     131                              pjmedia_port **) 
     133    pjmedia_port *conf; 
     134    pjmedia_session_info sess_info; 
     135    pjmedia_stream_info *strm_info; 
     136    pjmedia_snd_setting setting; 
     137    unsigned samples_per_frame; 
     139    /* Get active format for this stream, based on SDP negotiation result. */     
     140    pjmedia_session_get_info(sess, &sess_info); 
     141    strm_info = &sess_info.stream_info[stream_idx]; 
     143    /* Init sound device setting based on stream info. */ 
     144    pj_bzero(&setting, sizeof(setting)); 
     145    setting.format = strm_info->param->info.format; 
     146    setting.bitrate = strm_info->param->info.avg_bps; 
     147    setting.cng = strm_info->param->setting.cng; 
     148    setting.vad = strm_info->param->setting.vad; 
     149    setting.plc = strm_info->param->setting.plc; 
     151    /* Close sound device and get the conference port. */ 
     152    conf = pjsua_set_no_snd_dev(); 
     154    samples_per_frame = strm_info->param->info.clock_rate * 
     155                        strm_info->param->info.frm_ptime * 
     156                        strm_info->param->info.channel_cnt / 
     157                        1000; 
     159    /* Reset conference port attributes. */ 
     160    conf->info.samples_per_frame = samples_per_frame; 
     161    conf->info.clock_rate = 8000; 
     162    conf->info.channel_count = 1; 
     163    conf->info.bits_per_sample = 16; 
     165    /* Reopen sound device. */ 
     166    pjmedia_snd_port_create2(app_pool,  
     167                             PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE_PLAYBACK, 
     168                             0, 
     169                             0, 
     170                             8000, 
     171                             1, 
     172                             samples_per_frame, 
     173                             16, 
     174                             &setting, 
     175                             &snd_port); 
     177    /* Connect sound to conference port. */ 
     178    pjmedia_snd_port_connect(snd_port, conf); 
     180 }}} 
     181 - Note that sound device instance is now owned and managed by application, so {{{pjsua_media_config.snd_auto_close_time}}} will not work. Here is a very simple sample code to close the sound device immediately when a call get disconnected: 
     182 {{{ 
     183/* Callback called by the pjsua-lib when call's state has changed. */ 
     184static void on_call_state(pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_event *) 
     186    pjsua_call_info ci; 
     188    pjsua_call_get_info(call_id, &ci); 
     190    if (ci.state == PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { 
     191        if (snd_port) { 
     192            pjmedia_snd_port_destroy(snd_port); 
     193            snd_port = NULL; 
     194        } 
     195    } 
     197 }}} 