* [wiki:Getting-Started Getting Started] * Preparation * [wiki:Getting-Started/Download-Source Get the source code] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Disk-Space Disk Space Requirements] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Build-Preparation Build Preparation] * Build for Desktop * [wiki:Getting-Started/Windows Windows] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Autoconf Linux] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Autoconf MacOS X] * [wiki:Python_SIP/Build_Install Python] * Build for Mobile * [wiki:Getting-Started/Windows-Mobile Windows Mobile] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Symbian Symbian] * [wiki:APS Using Audio Proxy Server (APS)] * [wiki:VAS Using VoIP Audio Services (VAS)] * [wiki:TLS_on_Symbian Using Transport Layer Security (TLS)] * [wiki:Getting-Started/iPhone iOS: Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Android Android] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Other-Platforms Build for Other] * Next: Using the libraries * [wiki:Getting-Started/Running-Applications Running pjsip Applications] * [wiki:Getting_Started_Using Building Application using PJSIP with GNU Tools] * See Also * [wiki:Getting-Started/Installing-OpenSSL-Windows Installing OpenSSL] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Using-Subversion Using Subversion] * [wiki:Getting-Started/Visual-Studio-Build-Configuration Visual Studio Build Configurations] * [wiki:S60-Phones-Supported S60 3rd Edition devices]