= Getting Started: Building for Android = [[TracNav(Getting-Started/TOC)]] [[PageOutline(2-3,,inline)]] Android target is currently available in [https://svn.pjsip.org/repos/pjproject/branches/projects/android Android branch] and currently still experimental. == Requirements == * Besides the [http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Android SDK], you will also need the [http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html Android NDK]. * Optional: [http://www.swig.org/download.html SWIG] if you want to build the sample application apjsua. == Build Preparation == 1. [wiki:Getting-Started/Download-Source Get the source code], if you haven't already. 2. Set your [wiki:Getting-Started/Build-Preparation config_site.h] to the following: {{{ #define PJ_CONFIG_ANDROID 1 #include }}} This will activate Android specific settings in the {{{config_site_sample.h}}}. == Building PJSIP == Just run: {{{ $ cd /path/to/your/pjsip/dir $ export ANDROID_NDK=/path_to_android_ndk_dir $ ./configure-android $ make dep && make clean && make }}} Notes: * the {{{./configure-android}}} is a wrapper that calls the standard {{{./configure}}} script with settings suitable for Android target. * you may pass standard {{{./configure}}} options to this script too. * for more info, run {{{./configure-android --help}}} * other customizations are similar to what is explained in [wiki:Getting-Started/Autoconf Building with GNU] page. == Building apjsua sample application == #apjsua We have apjsua sample application located under {{{pjsip-apps/src/apjsua}}}. It is not built by default, and you need [http://www.swig.org/download.html SWIG] to build it. Follow these steps to build apjsua: 1. Go to apjsua source directory: {{{ $ cd pjsip-apps/src/apjsua }}} 1. Make sure swig is in the PATH and build the app: {{{ $ make }}} 1. Create Android project from apjsua and run it. You can modify apjsua/res/raw/config.txt for apjsua's config file. == Other Android projects == Also have a look at the following PJSIP Android project: * [http://code.google.com/p/csipsimple/ csipsimple] project, an Android port of pjsip.