Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of 3rd_Party_Media

Mar 19, 2008 8:29:46 AM (16 years ago)



  • 3rd_Party_Media

    v9 v10  
    18  This is a library which integrates [ PJSIP], [ PJMEDIA], and [ PJNATH] libraries into very high level and easy to use API. Due to its nature, it is tightly coupled with all of the libraries so it is considered unfeasible to detach either of the library component from PJSUA-LIB. 
     18 [ PJSUA-LIB] is a library which integrates [ PJSIP], [ PJMEDIA], and [ PJNATH] libraries into very high level and easy to use API. Due to its nature, it is tightly coupled with all of the libraries so it is considered unfeasible to detach either of the library component from PJSUA-LIB. 
    2020'''PJSIP Libraries''': 
    2929 The media stack includes [ PJMEDIA and PJMEDIA-CODEC]. Depending on the library packaging, it may contain '''SDP components''' (message representation, parsing, and SDP offer answer negotiation). 
    31 Although the SDP components ([ message representation, parsing], and SDP [ offer answer negotiation]) may be packaged with PJMEDIA, actually it is independent from PJMEDIA and it can be (and has been) used independently from PJMEDIA. This is because although media can be optional for some application (for example, a server), SDP and SDP negotiation are needed by the invite session, so it should be able to use these parts without having to use PJMEDIA. 
     31 Although the SDP components ([ message representation, parsing], and SDP [ offer answer negotiation]) may be packaged with PJMEDIA, actually it is independent from PJMEDIA and it can be (and has been) used independently from PJMEDIA. This is because although media can be optional for some application (for example, a server), SDP and SDP negotiation are needed by the invite session, so it should be able to use these parts without having to use PJMEDIA. 
    3333  ''Note: in Symbian build system, these SDP parts are packaged on separate static library (as '''PJSDP''' library) and removed from PJMEDIA. On GNU build system, both PJMEDIA and PJSDP libraries are built, but the SDP parts are included in PJMEDIA as well, so only PJMEDIA is needed to be linked with the application (since the PJMEDIA library here also contains PJSDP parts).'' 
    38 == SIP and Media Integration == 
     38== SIP and Media Interaction == 
    4040Depending on which API abstraction layer being used by application (PJSUA-LIB or PJSIP/PJMEDIA API directly), integration between PJSIP and PJMEDIA happens in either PJSUA-LIB library or in application code. In this integration, there are few places where PJSIP and PJMEDIA interact with each other: