| 27 | 1. Build the OpenH264 library with MinGW make & gcc, and install it to a directory (with "make install"). By default it installs to {{{/usr/local}}}. You need to modify the Makefile to install it to different location (=prefix). |
| 28 | 1. Create {{{openh264.lib}}} from {{{openh264.def}}}, note that the static lib {{{libopenh264.a}}} outputted by MinGW gcc cannot be used by VS, so we are going to use the dynamic lib version instead: |
| 29 | 1. open 'Visual Studio command prompt', e.g: ''Win Start Menu -> MS VS 2005 -> VS Tools -> VS 2005 Command Prompt'' |
| 30 | 1. change dir to OpenH264 source root directory |
| 31 | 1. run "lib /def:openh264.def", this will create {{{openh264.lib}}}, copy this file to the OpenH264 installation directory |
| 32 | 1. rename or copy {{{libopenh264.dll}}} to {{{openh264.dll}}} and put it in the system path |
| 33 | 1. Add OpenH264 include and library installation paths to Visual Studio search path settings. |