Custom Query (2037 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1700 of 2037)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#947 SRTP stops functioning after the library is restarted nanang defect major release-1.4 pjmedia
#2099 SSL connection suddenly gets closed after sending packets intensively bennylp defect normal release-2.8 pjlib
#1043 SSL timeout setting not working on Symbian platform (thanks Tamàs Solymosi for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.6 pjlib
#1806 SSL/TLS setting to set protocol operation bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsip
#957 SSL/secure socket abstraction and SIP TLS transport rewrite bennylp enhancement normal release-1.5 common
#155 STUN FINGERPRINT attribute bennylp task normal ICE pjlib-util
#960 STUN compatibility problem with RFC 3489 servers (in encoding SERVER-NAME or SOFTWARE attribute) bennylp defect blocker release-1.5 pjnath
#962 STUN compatibility problem with RFC 3489 servers (in encoding SERVER-NAME or SOFTWARE attribute) bennylp defect blocker release-1.4.5 pjnath
#368 STUN keep-alive timed out when ICE is used bennylp defect normal release-0.8.0 pjnath
#519 STUN request is not freed when transaction times out (thanks Amit Sharma) bennylp defect normal release-0.9.0 pjnath
#2134 STUN server resolution failure causes delay bennylp defect normal release-2.9 pjsua-lib
#1780 STUN string attribute has zero length bennylp defect normal release-2.3 pjnath
#1123 SWIG binding for PJSUA-LIB for Java, Python, C#, etc. bennylp enhancement normal release-2.x pjsua-lib
#2121 SWIG exception in mapping an invalid C++ enum value to Java bennylp defect normal release-2.8 pjsua2
#2219 SWIG exception in mapping an invalid C++ enum value to Java (continuation of #2121) nanang defect normal release-2.10 pjsua2
#810 Samples is always built (got to do with the rule in the Samples-vc.mak) bennylp defect normal release-1.2-QA applications
#876 Second call fails to open the sound device event when --null-audio is set bennylp defect normal release-1.3 pjsua-lib
#698 Segfault when calling pjmedia_transport_srtp_create() with pjmedia_srtp_setting set to NULL (thanks Ruud Klaver for the report). nanang defect normal release-1.1 pjmedia
#700 Segfault when calling pjmedia_transport_srtp_create() with pjmedia_srtp_setting set to NULL (thanks Ruud Klaver for the report). nanang defect normal release-1.0.2 pjmedia
#308 Selective STUN authentication for STUN failure responses bennylp task normal release-0.7.0 pjnath
#287 Selective authentication for STUN error responses bennylp defect normal release-0.7.0-rc2 pjnath
#1755 Send ACK for incoming 200/INVITE even after call is disconnected bennylp defect normal release-2.3 pjsip
#13 Send RTCP RR if stream is not transmitting RTP packets bennylp enhancement normal release-0.6.0 pjmedia
#546 Send RTCP SDES and RTCP BYE nanang enhancement normal release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#1607 Send UDP keep-alive to original request address if response comes from different address bennylp defect normal release-2.1 pjsua-lib
#1530 Sending ACK is reported with wrong pjsip_event info bennylp defect normal release-2.0.1 pjsip
#2227 Sending ACK not retrying next server nanang defect normal release-2.10 pjsip
#1936 Sending REGISTER always fails after losing network connection bennylp defect normal release-2.5.5 pjsip
#1721 Sending new re-INVITE after the on-progress re-INVITE transaction is terminated. bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 pjsip
#341 Sending raw data with PJSIP transport bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjsip
#1547 Separating max packet size settings for incoming and outgoing in pjmedia nanang defect normal release-2.1 pjmedia
#1463 Separation of PJMEDIA specific implementation to support third party media stack/library in PJSUA-LIB bennylp enhancement normal release-2.0-rc pjsua-lib
#954 Session Timer fixes bennylp defect normal release-1.5 pjsip
#1722 Session timers refresher needs to send BYE if it never gets a response to the session refresh request bennylp defect normal release-2.2 pjsip
#1879 Set Video Codec Param using PJSUA2 API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjsua2
#501 Set master port worker thread priority to highest by default nanang enhancement normal release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#1171 Setting default codec parameter issues (thanks Arie Velthoen for the report) nanang defect normal release-1.8.10 pjmedia
#1384 Setting to control HTTP client source port range (thanks Johan Lantz for the patch) bennylp enhancement minor release-1.12 pjlib-util
#1510 Sharing and assertion problem with ALSA device nanang defect normal release-1.14.2 pjmedia
#540 Shutdown the sound device when the media flow is idle nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjsua-lib
#1325 Signature for pjmedia objects nanang enhancement normal release-2.0-alpha pjmedia
#676 Silence detector may produce disturbing low level noise (thanks Olle Frimanson for the report). nanang enhancement minor release-1.0.1 pjmedia
#537 Simple DNS Server class (for testing) bennylp enhancement normal release-0.9.0 pjlib-util
#1327 Simple GUI for video API testing nanang enhancement major release-2.0-alpha applications
#1018 Simple HTTP client implementation (thanks Johan Lantz for the suggestion) bennylp enhancement normal release-1.6 pjlib-util
#261 Simple PJSUA based application for Symbian bennylp task normal Symbian-trunk-integration applications
#2133 Skip IPv4 STUN resolution if account is using NAT64 bennylp enhancement normal release-2.8 pjsua-lib
#266 Skip \x00 packets bennylp defect normal Symbian-trunk-integration pjsip
#555 Small but otherwise incompatible changes to PJSUA instant messaging callbacks bennylp enhancement normal release-1.0-rc1 pjsua-lib
#1568 Smarter media re-initialization on call refresh with SDP re-offer/answer bennylp enhancement normal release-2.1 pjsua-lib
#83 Socket abstractions for IP TOS options bennylp enhancement normal release-0.5.10 pjlib
#1371 Soft deadlock when application query call info of other call inside a callback (Thanks Marcus Froeschl for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.12 pjsua-lib
#874 Some codecs don't maintain timestamp (Thanks Roman Imankulov for the patch) nanang defect normal release-1.3 pjmedia
#875 Some codecs don't maintain timestamp (Thanks Roman Imankulov for the patch) nanang defect normal release-1.0.3 pjmedia
#978 Some noise in APS G.729 decoding/playback on some devices. nanang defect normal release-1.5 pjmedia-audiodev
#1364 Some support for forking in Reliable Provisional Response (100rel) module bennylp defect normal release-1.12 pjsip
#1515 Sound device is not closed when the call fails to connect (thanks Régis Montoya for the report) bennylp defect normal release-2.0.1 pjsua-lib
#674 Special treatment for AMR in SDP negotiation. nanang enhancement normal release-1.0.1 pjmedia
#466 Speex decoder set decoded frame size incorrectly nanang defect normal release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#473 Speex version upgrade and handling multiple speex audio frames nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#437 Stack overflow in ICE on Symbian phone target bennylp defect normal release-0.9.0 pjnath
#2097 Start read operation in UDP media transport in pjmedia_transport_media_start() nanang enhancement normal release-2.8 pjmedia
#1588 State PJSIP_INV_STATE_NULL is called after call has been disconnected bennylp defect normal release-2.1 pjsua-lib
#1658 Stop media endpoint's worker threads first when destroying media subsystem nanang enhancement normal release-2.2 pjmedia
#1089 Store remote capability info in the dialog bennylp enhancement normal release-1.7 pjsip
#1036 Stray timer may be registered by SIP TCP and TLS transport in destroy routine, which could crash the program on Symbian (thanks Tamàs Solymosi for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.6 pjsip
#248 Strayed socket signal in Symbian bennylp defect normal Symbian-trunk-integration pjlib
#1027 Stream sends no audio when using passthrough codecs and bypassing audio switch board (Thanks Yuri Maliy for the report) nanang defect normal release-1.6 pjmedia
#1286 Stride issue in dshow renderer (Video Mixing Renderer) ming defect minor release-2.0-alpha pjmedia-videodev
#1350 Stuck in SDL when destroying video window if the parent window is not closed ming defect normal release-2.0-rc pjmedia-videodev
#405 Subscribe to buddy presence upon receiving incoming subscription from the buddy bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjsua-lib
#2226 Subscription gets terminated when NOTIFY in call transfer is challenged nanang defect normal release-2.10 pjsip
#2164 Subscription may get terminated when NOTIFY is challenged bennylp defect normal release-2.9 pjsip
#1991 Support ALSA audio device volume setting nanang enhancement minor release-2.7 pjmedia-audiodev
#268 Support ARMCC and GCCE compilers for Symbian bennylp task normal Symbian-trunk-integration pjlib
#2018 Support DTLS for SRTP keying nanang enhancement normal release-2.7 pjmedia
#2036 Support DTMF via SIP INFO bennylp enhancement normal release-2.8 pjsua-lib
#1897 Support Ffmpeg 2.8 nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia
#1199 Support G722 with 10ms packet length (thanks Erik Waling for the report) nanang enhancement normal release-1.10 pjmedia
#1200 Support IPP version 7.0 nanang enhancement normal release-1.10 pjmedia
#1926 Support IPv6 address resolution bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjsua-lib
#1932 Support OpenSSL 1.1.0 bennylp task normal release-2.6 common
#2197 Support TURN extensions for TCP allocations (RFC 6062) nanang enhancement normal release-2.9 pjnath
#1833 Support bdSound's bdiMad v2.0.0 nanang enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia-audiodev
#678 Support fail-over to secondary STUN server if resolution fails bennylp enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas pjsua-lib
#819 Support for 16Khz and stereo in APS bennylp defect normal release-1.2-QA applications
#396 Support for 3GPP/IMS digest AKA (AKAv1-MD5) SIP authentication bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjsip
#1931 Support for AVFoundation on Mac (due to deprecated QTKit) ming enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjmedia-videodev
#614 Support for Alaw/ULaw format in WAV player and recorder objects nanang enhancement normal release-1.0-rc3 pjmedia
#857 Support for ICE keep-alive with Binding indication bennylp defect normal release-1.3 pjnath
#1227 Support for Intel IPP7 nanang enhancement normal release-2.0-dev pjmedia
#583 Support for Intel Integrated Performace Primitives (IPP) codecs nanang enhancement normal release-1.0-rc1 pjmedia
#1776 Support for Libyuv nanang enhancement normal release-2.3 pjmedia
#1388 Support for OpenCORE AMR-NB codec (thank you Dan Arrhenius for the contribution!) nanang enhancement normal release-1.12 pjmedia
#1608 Support for OpenCORE AMR-WB codec nanang enhancement normal release-2.1 pjmedia
#1758 Support for OpenH264 v1.0.0 codec nanang enhancement normal release-2.3 pjmedia
#1947 Support for OpenH264 v1.6.0 codec nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia
#1904 Support for Opus codec nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia
#950 Support for QoS settings (TOS, DSCP, WMM, 802.1p) for sockets bennylp enhancement normal release-1.5 pjlib
#1431 Support for RFC 4169/Digest Authentication Using AKAv2 (thanks Alex Kolesnichenko for the patch) bennylp enhancement normal release-1.14 pjsip
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.