Custom Query (30 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#217 Build error when PJ_HAS_TCP is set to zero (thanks ChenHuan) bennylp defect normal release-0.7.0-rc1 pjlib
#234 Crash in console application when invalid command line is given (thanks Roland Klabunde) bennylp defect normal release- applications
#282 Memory problems with Purify bennylp defect normal release-0.7.0-rc2 pjsip
#369 ICE negotiation fails after endpoint has been idle for long time bennylp defect normal release-0.8.0 pjnath
#431 Empty Authorization header is not removed when the actual header is sent bennylp defect minor release-0.9.0 pjsip
#664 Contact URI should use "transport=tls" parameter rather than SIPS URI when the TLS call is not using SIPS URI bennylp defect normal release-1.0.1 pjsua-lib
#897 Bug with generating SDP version in origin line (thanks Joel Dodson for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.0.3 pjsip
#1189 Click noise produced by the jitter buffer when it progressively discard audio frames to improve latency (thanks Bogdan Krakowski for the patch) nanang defect normal release-1.10 pjmedia
#1228 Long delay in iPhone initialization (thanks Guy Zelkha for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.10 pjsua-lib
#1333 Design: review the video preview API nanang defect normal release-2.0-beta pjmedia-videodev
#1380 Using locking to specific listener feature may cause outgoing TCP connection to be created for every request bennylp defect normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas pjsip
#1594 Deadlock between TURN and ioqueue locks bennylp defect normal release-2.1 pjnath
#31 Explicit binding to specific listener/transport bennylp enhancement normal release-0.5.10 pjsip
#379 Implement merged request detection bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjsip
#442 Function to create dialog/call with specifying Call-ID bennylp enhancement trivial Known-Issues pjsip
#456 Option to follow redirection in PJSUA-LIB bennylp enhancement minor Known-Issues pjsua-lib
#462 Playback of PCAP file bennylp enhancement normal release-0.9.0 applications
#539 Create media transport dynamically in PJSUA-LIB bennylp enhancement normal release-2.0-rc pjsua-lib
#761 Handling of multipart message bodies in the invite session (thanks Johan Lantz for the suggestion) bennylp enhancement normal unassigned pjsip
#912 Flags in logging configuration to append log file instead of overwriting it bennylp enhancement normal release-1.4 pjsua-lib
#1127 IPv6 support for SIP TCP and TLS transports bennylp enhancement normal release-2.x pjsip
#1520 SWIG binding for JNI for the new high level API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 applications
#1575 Bind TCP and TLS client socket to the configured address too bennylp enhancement normal release-2.1 pjsip
#1812 Update libsrtp to the latest version bennylp enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas third-party
#1830 Option to maintain video aspect ratio between requested size and supported size nanang enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas pjmedia
#120 4.4.2 Implement PJLIB API to enumerate local network interface bennylp task normal ICE pjlib
#1260 API: Ability to pass preview and rendering view to application bennylp task major unassigned pjsua-lib
#1262 API: Ability to start and stop video on the fly bennylp task major unassigned pjsua-lib
#1890 Add libyuv to third-party directory bennylp task normal release-2.5.5 third-party
#1940 Support for Android NDK r12 and Android N bennylp task normal release-2.6 applications
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.