Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (1901 - 2000 of 2195)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1748 Enhancements to WAV player API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2.1 common
#1752 Resolve hostname when trying to get the network interface bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjsip
#1757 iOS renderer using OpenGL ES 2 ming enhancement normal release-2.3 pjmedia-videodev
#1758 Support for OpenH264 v1.0.0 codec nanang enhancement normal release-2.3 pjmedia
#1760 Ability to get access to TCP socket handle of the SIP transport bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjsip
#1762 Update iOS video capture and simple renderer ming enhancement normal release-2.3 pjmedia-videodev
#1763 Add pj_ssl_cipher_id() API to get cipher ID from a cipher name string (thanks to Joshua Colp for the patch) bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjlib
#1764 Use latest early media SDP received on forked early media on 18x response. bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjsip
#1765 Add Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) support in OpenSSL socket (thanks to Alexander Traud for the patch) bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjlib
#1767 Tone generation API in pjsua2 and SWIG wrappers bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjsua2
#1771 Run-time configuration to enable user set specific socket option bennylp enhancement normal pjlib
#1775 Changing OpenSSL default method from TLSv1 to SSLv23 to enable enable AES-GCM cipher suites in default (thanks Alexander Traud for the patch) bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjlib
#1776 Support for Libyuv nanang enhancement normal release-2.3 pjmedia
#1778 Support for Voice Processing IO Audio Unit on Mac nanang enhancement normal release-2.10 pjmedia-audiodev
#1779 Add API for registering external/native thread to pjsua2 bennylp enhancement normal release-2.3 pjsua2
#1783 Restart ICE if a mid-dialog re-INVITE contains no offer bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1785 Add support for sending initial INVITE/re-INVITE/UPDATE without SDP bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1786 Add support to specify video format and video window when opening video preview bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1788 Add support to allow INVITE/reINVITE with unknown body (content-type) bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsip
#1789 Support for audio route setting on Android nanang enhancement normal release-2.x pjmedia-audiodev
#1790 Android renderer using OpenGL ES 2 ming enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia-videodev
#1792 Create generic JNI OnLoad function bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjlib
#1793 Avoid unwanted call unhold when sending re-INVITE/UPDATE with call setting param set to NULL bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1802 Configurable randomized value range for auto re-registration interval bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1806 SSL/TLS setting to set protocol operation bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsip
#1810 Adding CA path support into SSL socket bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjlib
#1812 Update libsrtp to the latest version bennylp enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas third-party
#1814 Audio frame preview callbacks nanang enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia
#1817 Automatically send BYE when sending CANCEL for INVITE is unsuccessful. bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1819 Use expiration field to indicate registration/unregistration in registration callback bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsip
#1821 Remove unnecessary locking in pjsip transaction and add new API to create a group lock with handler in a single atomic instruction bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsip
#1822 Android video capturer ming enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia-videodev
#1823 Pjsua2 Video API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua2
#1825 New on_reg_started2 callback bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1826 Check and implement format enumeration in video capture devices ming enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia-videodev
#1829 Avoid recreating video renderer due to format change in the beginning of video session bennylp enhancement normal release-2.x pjsua-lib
#1830 Option to maintain video aspect ratio between requested size and supported size nanang enhancement normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas pjmedia
#1831 Find best match of video format between requested and supported format nanang enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia
#1832 Miscellaneous changes related to Android video bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 common
#1833 Support bdSound's bdiMad v2.0.0 nanang enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia-audiodev
#1836 Added colorbar device with active role ming enhancement normal release-2.4 pjmedia-videodev
#1838 Enable application to provide its own external resolver implementation bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4 pjsip
#1845 Add support if OpenSSL library has more than 100 cipher suites bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 applications
#1846 Update to use 'HIGH' ciphers as default in OpenSSL bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 applications
#1847 Upgrade libsrtp version and support for AES-256 crypto nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia
#1849 Enable multiple TLS certificate chains (RSA+ECC+DSA) for server socket bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjlib
#1851 Runtime configuration of TCP and TLS keep alive intervals bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsip
#1853 Add callback for dropped data in SIP transport bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsip
#1855 Pjsua2 Video Preview API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsua2
#1856 Offer only current active crypto on re-INVITE nanang enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjmedia
#1860 Modify pjmedia_sdp_neg_fmt_match() to check for encoding parameters as well nanang enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjmedia
#1861 Support for video capture orientation ming enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjmedia-videodev
#1863 PJSUA2 Video Codec API & Video Device API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsua2
#1865 Main thread blocked by NAT type detection in library start bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsua-lib
#1867 Add pjsua callback to notify when STUN resolution completes bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsua-lib
#1869 Destroy STUN session when cleaning up STUN server resolution bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsua-lib
#1872 Move iOS audio session category setting to factory initialisation nanang enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjmedia-audiodev
#1878 Compile time option for TCP/TLS transport to not create a listener bennylp enhancement normal release-2.4.5 pjsip
#1879 Set Video Codec Param using PJSUA2 API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjsua2
#1881 Visual Studio 2015 support bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 common
#1888 Support for WebRTC Acoustic Echo Cancellation nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia
#1892 Add pjsua/pjsua2 callback to notify incoming re-INVITE without offer bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjsua-lib
#1894 Improve ioqueue performance on multithreadeded environment bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjlib
#1896 Update default audio device backends nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia-audiodev
#1897 Support Ffmpeg 2.8 nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia
#1900 Windows 10 / Universal Windows Platform port bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 common
#1904 Support for Opus codec nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia
#1907 Remove pjmedia* circular dependency nanang enhancement normal release-2.5 pjmedia
#1908 Support opening speaker only in pjsua/pjsua2 bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjsua-lib
#1909 GUID implementation for Android bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjlib
#1910 Option to regularly send video keyframe in the beginning of video call session nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia
#1913 Add callback for address change notification from STUN keep alive bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjsua-lib
#1914 Ignore STUN error after pjstun_get_mapped_addr2() bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjsua-lib
#1915 Add API pjsip_udp_transport_start2() bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5 pjsip
#1918 Add API to update STUN servers and option to retry STUN for media on failure bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.1 pjsua-lib
#1920 Various patches related to FFMpeg nanang enhancement normal release-2.5.1 pjmedia
#1922 More compatibility with IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 network bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.1 common
#1926 Support IPv6 address resolution bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjsua-lib
#1927 IPv6 support in DNS SRV resolution bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjlib-util
#1931 Support for AVFoundation on Mac (due to deprecated QTKit) ming enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjmedia-videodev
#1933 Update pjnath-test for IPv6 support bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjnath
#1934 Add reference counting APIs to event subscription bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjsip
#1937 Add libyuv to third party component bennylp enhancement normal release-2.5.5 third-party
#1941 Review iOS 10 integration to PJSIP bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 common
#1943 AES-GCM crypto support for SRTP nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia
#1944 Allow native window to be set for video output window on SDL ming enhancement normal release-2.5.5 pjmedia-videodev
#1947 Support for OpenH264 v1.6.0 codec nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia
#1949 Support video window manipulation for native preview bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjsua-lib
#1951 Add callback to configure SRTP setting and key in pjsua/pjsua2 bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjsua-lib
#1954 Add WebRTC to third party component bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 third-party
#1956 Support for setting audio input source capability in Android JNI audio device nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia-audiodev
#1960 Export SIP transport TLS state and TLS certificate info to PJSUA2 bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjsua2
#1963 QoS for IPv6 for platform that supports IPV6_TCLASS bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjlib
#1964 QoS for darwin OS which supports SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjlib
#1965 Add support to specify Contact params specific to REGISTER requests bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjsua-lib
#1967 Add function pjsip_tdata_get_dlg() bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjsip
#1970 Add function pjmedia_rtp_decode_rtp2() nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia
#1975 Add support to select elliptic curve and signature algorithm for TLS bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjsip
#1976 Support to generate a synthesized IPv6 address from IPv4 address bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjsip
#1977 Add attach2() and pjmedia_transport_attach2() to pjmedia transport interface nanang enhancement normal release-2.6 pjmedia
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.