Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (1501 - 1600 of 2195)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#763 Possibility of infinite loop in jitter buffer (thanks Michael Broughton for the report). nanang defect normal release-1.0.3 pjmedia
#841 Possibility of naming collisions for codecs using ITU implementation (thanks Johan Lantz for the report). nanang enhancement normal release-1.3 pjmedia
#328 Possible alignment error in DNS encoding bennylp defect normal release-0.8.0 pjlib-util
#1844 Possible assertion in ICE session when remote has less ICE component bennylp defect normal release-2.4.5 pjnath
#1654 Possible broken SDP negotiator state after previous re-INVITE is rejected bennylp defect normal release-2.2 pjsip
#1700 Possible buffer overflow in ICE session bennylp defect normal release-2.2 pjnath
#2166 Possible buffer overread if RTCP packet length is invalid nanang defect major release-2.9 pjmedia
#1859 Possible crash due to transaction premature destroy while message send operation is on progress bennylp defect normal release-2.4.5 pjsip
#1552 Possible crash if media transport stop() is called on ICE transport while no ICE is running (thanks Iliya Prince for the fix) bennylp defect normal release-2.1 pjnath
#1164 Possible crash in PUBLISH session if network connectivity is lost between two requests (thanks Nikolay Popok for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.8.10 pjsip
#1310 Possible crash in registration callback after deleting account and restarting pjsua bennylp defect normal release-1.12 pjsua-lib
#1791 Possible crash when trying to cancel sdp negotiation upon receiving UPDATE response bennylp defect normal release-2.4 pjsip
#2007 Possible crash when using session timer due to the early release of dialog pool bennylp defect normal release-2.7 pjsip
#346 Possible deadlock in event subscription framework when subscribe is followed immediately with unsubscribe bennylp defect normal release-0.8.0 pjsip
#351 Possible deadlock in pjsua-api presence subscription (thanks Paul Levin) bennylp defect normal release-0.8.0 pjsua-lib
#1578 Possible deadlock when call is adding new media with ICE and STUN enabled bennylp defect normal release-2.1 pjsua-lib
#701 Possible heap corruption in pjmedia/pasound.c callback's thread (thanks Paulo Sousa for the detail report). nanang defect normal release-1.1 pjmedia
#702 Possible heap corruption in pjmedia/pasound.c callback's thread (thanks Paulo Sousa for the detail report). nanang defect normal release-1.0.2 pjmedia
#2118 Possible insufficient stream buffer size when using Opus nanang defect normal release-2.8 pjmedia
#1232 Possible memory corruptions caused by pjsua_acc_modify() (thanks Viktor Krikun for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.10 pjsua-lib
#1532 Possible optimization in conference bridge (thanks Michael Derfler for the patch) nanang enhancement normal release-2.0.1 pjmedia
#1593 Possible wrap around in caching pool capacity value bennylp defect normal release-2.1 pjlib
#1158 Possible wrong multiplexing of STUN traffic inside TURN Data Indication bennylp defect minor release-1.8.10 pjnath
#1012 Potential buffer overflow in Unicode string conversion (thanks Orville Pike for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.5.5 pjlib
#2264 Potential deadlock between pjsua lock and sip transport's lock ming defect normal release-2.10 pjsip
#2260 Potential deadlock between sip_transaction and sip_reg ming defect normal release-2.10 applications
#137 Potential memory overwrite in pjmedia session.c (thanks David Clark) bennylp defect major release- pjmedia
#138 Potential memory overwrite in pjmedia session.c (thanks David Clark) bennylp defect major release-0.7.0-rc1 pjmedia
#2231 Potential premature buffer reuse in UDP media transport ming defect normal release-2.10 pjmedia
#384 Prefer to use Direct Sound as the sound device backend on Windows bennylp enhancement normal release-0.8.0 pjmedia
#1962 Premature STUN socket destruction when there's an error during STUN server resolution bennylp defect normal release-2.6 pjsua-lib
#1647 Premature termination of REFER (call transfer) subscription bennylp defect normal release-2.2 pjsip
#1809 Premature transaction destroy caused by DNS SRV resolver callback being called twice bennylp defect normal release-2.4 pjlib-util
#938 Presence PIDF document may be rejected by presence servers that implement strict XML checking (thanks Johan Lantz for the fix) bennylp defect normal release-1.4 pjsip
#582 Presence extended status is not sent in initial NOTIFY request (thanks Joseph Maiquez for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.0-rc1 pjsua-lib
#880 Pressing call hold twice in pjsua will cause call to be unheld bennylp defect normal release-1.3 pjsua-lib
#905 Pressing call hold twice in pjsua will cause call to be unheld bennylp defect normal release-1.0.3 pjsua-lib
#1318 Prevent PJSIP_INV_STATE_CALLING from being reported more than once (thanks Sam Yasin for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.12 pjsip
#2244 Prevent continuous memory allocation when getting raw certificate on TLS riza defect normal release-2.10 pjlib
#2101 Prevent crash due to access to an already destroyed atomic object bennylp enhancement normal release-2.8 pjlib
#2182 Prevent crash in unpublishing presence when deleting account ming defect normal release-2.9 pjsua-lib
#2013 Prevent crash when timer refresh with SRTP is interrupted by a re-INVITE nanang defect normal release-2.7 pjmedia
#2104 Prevent double free on Failed STUN resolution bennylp defect normal release-2.8 pjsua-lib
#2012 Prevent memory leak when rejecting a call from on_incoming_call() callback bennylp defect normal release-2.7 pjsua-lib
#2000 Prevent overflow on pj_generate_unique_string() for android bennylp defect normal release-2.7 pjlib
#2060 Prevent releasing unacquired lock in SIP dialog bennylp defect normal release-2.8 pjsip
#2261 Prevent unnecessary locking when adding group lock handler ming enhancement normal release-2.10 pjsip
#2070 Print IPv6 addresses with brackets in the log bennylp enhancement normal release-2.8 common
#606 Problem in Symbian build: 'null_audio.lib not found'. nanang defect normal release-1.0-rc2 pjmedia
#1777 Problem in audio device list refresh after unregistering an audio device factory nanang defect normal release-2.3 pjmedia-audiodev
#646 Problem in quitting symbian_ua_gui app bennylp defect normal release-1.0.1 applications
#1352 Problem when a capture device shared among multiple video calls bennylp defect normal release-2.0-alpha pjsua-lib
#1429 Problem with SDL on setting window's position when window is hidden ming defect normal release-2.0-beta pjmedia-videodev
#758 Problem with TCP transport on Symbian bennylp defect normal release-1.3 pjlib
#759 Problem with TCP transport on Symbian bennylp defect normal release-1.0.3 common
#1040 Problem with getting the default IP interface on FreeBSD due to wrong argument to connect() (thanks Roman Grachev for the patch) bennylp defect normal release-1.6 pjlib
#1813 Problem with media reinitialisation when using ICE bennylp defect normal release-2.4 pjsua-lib
#1488 Problem with sending and receiving large (INVITE) requests over TCP on Android 4.0.2/4.0.3 possibly due to fragmentation bennylp defect normal release-2.1 pjsip
#472 Problem with setting up FD_SETSIZE bennylp defect normal release-0.9.0 pjlib
#1024 Problem with snprintf with uClibc bennylp defect normal Known-Issues-and-Ideas common
#1745 Problems in building shared/dynamic libraries on MinGW bennylp defect normal release-2.2.1 common
#755 Problems with IPv6 SIP transport (thanks Cedric Levequ for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.1 pjsip
#756 Problems with IPv6 SIP transport (thanks Cedric Levequ for the report) bennylp defect normal release-1.0.2 pjsip
#249 Problems with big memory blocks in Symbian bennylp defect normal Symbian-trunk-integration common
#250 Problems with byte ordering in Symbian bennylp defect normal Symbian-trunk-integration common
#483 Problems with using multiple sound devices (with splitcomb) with PJSUA-LIB nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#1135 Processing of RTP padding bit (thanks Rafael Maia for the suggestion) nanang defect normal release-1.8.5 pjmedia
#1678 Proper error handling in WAV writer nanang defect normal release-2.2 pjmedia
#694 Proper installation (make install) on GNU targets bennylp enhancement normal release-1.6 common
#1440 Proper set up of RTCP compound packet (thanks Werner Dittmann for the report) nanang defect normal release-1.14 pjmedia
#1271 Protect all video features inside #if PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO macro ming enhancement major release-2.0-alpha common
#418 Protect client registration session (regc) with mutex bennylp defect major release-0.9.0 pjsip
#356 Prototype and definition mismatch causing crash in sip_auth_server.c (thanks Truong Thanh Quang) bennylp defect normal release-0.8.0 pjsip
#1254 Provide different doxygen documentation for different PJSIP versions in the website ismangil enhancement major release-2.0-alpha common
#1336 Provide different doxygen documentation for different PJSIP versions in the website bennylp enhancement normal release-1.12 common
#1306 Publish non-100 provisional response retransmission interval setting bennylp enhancement normal release-1.12 pjsip
#856 Put back the ICE candidate priority values according to the default values in the draft-mmusic-ice bennylp defect normal release-1.3 pjnath
#1708 PyGUI: New Python GUI Application based on pjsua2+SWIG API bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 applications
#93 Python application blocks in sys.stdin.readline() because C module running on different thread is calling a blocking OS function bennylp defect blocker release-0.5.10 applications
#12 Python binding for PJSUA-LIB bennylp task major common
#1694 Python enhancement: added QoS and RTP settings in account config bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 python
#1701 Python enhancement: added received message into incoming call callback bennylp enhancement normal release-2.2 python
#809 Python module bennylp task normal release-1.2-QA applications
#108 QA for release 0.5.10 bennylp defect normal release-0.5.10 common
#1963 QoS for IPv6 for platform that supports IPV6_TCLASS bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjlib
#1964 QoS for darwin OS which supports SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE bennylp enhancement normal release-2.6 pjlib
#1183 QuickTime capture device for Mac OS X and iOS's capture and render device ming defect normal release-2.0-dev pjmedia
#860 REFER is sent instead of SUBSCRIBE with Expires=0 when when transferee doesn't terminate subscription after call transfer bennylp defect normal release-1.3 pjsip
#2188 RTCP RR not generated if stream's encoder channel is paused ming defect normal release-2.9 pjmedia
#37 RTCP discard statistic should be increased when invalid RTP packet is received bennylp enhancement minor release-0.5.10 pjmedia
#1439 RTCP samples_per_frame setting for video stream nanang defect normal release-2.x pjmedia
#740 RTCP sender report should set RTP timestamp field (thanks to Yann for the report) nanang defect normal release-1.7 pjmedia
#1103 RTCP statistics updates (thanks Roman Puls for the suggestions) nanang enhancement normal release-1.7 pjmedia
#176 RTP port number is not reset in pjsua media (thanks Binu KS) bennylp defect minor release- pjsua-lib
#177 RTP port number is not reset in pjsua media (thanks Binu KS) bennylp defect minor release-0.7.0-rc1 pjsua-lib
#593 RTP timestamp incremented incorrectly for multichannel audio. nanang defect normal release-1.0-rc1 pjmedia
#467 RTP/AVP vs RTP/SAVP negotiation nanang defect major release-0.9.0 pjmedia
#544 RTP/AVP/SAVP negotiation on UPDATE/re-INVITE nanang defect normal release-0.9.0 pjsua-lib
#1877 Race condition between stopping ICE and sending data in ICE stream transport bennylp defect normal release-2.4.5 pjnath
#1706 Race condition fix in SIP transaction bennylp defect normal release-2.2 pjsip
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.