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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1752 fixed Resolve hostname when trying to get the network interface bennylp riza

Currently, pjsip will use default routing (from OS) when trying to get network interface. In a multihomed environment, sometimes this is not the desired behavior. This ticket will add an option to resolve hostname when trying to get the network interface to be put in the Via or Contact header.

To enable this option set resolve_hostname_to_get_interface from the pjsip_cfg_t::endpt to PJ_TRUE or define PJSIP_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME_TO_GET_INTERFACE as PJ_TRUE on the config_site.h.

Thanks to Alexander Klyushin for the report.

#1759 fixed Crash when BYE is received while adding new media bennylp riza

Crash is reported to happen when adding media with STUN and ICE enabled.


  1. When adding media, pjsua will create a new ICE media transport, and currently such transport creation for adding media is a synchronous operation, so technically there is busy waiting loop for STUN resolution etc.
  2. While the transport creation process is ongoing (in the busy waiting loop), there is incoming BYE which clears the call states, and when the busy waiting loop is done, crash occurs as media transport (call_med->tp) is NULL.

Reproducing steps:

  1. make a call using pjsua app with ICE and STUN enabled
  2. kill/block the STUN server
  3. add video for the call, it will take time as the STUN server is off (optionally, set PJ_STUN_RTO_VALUE to 1000 to make it much longer)
  4. send BYE from other endpoint

Thanks to Itay Bianco for the report.

#1760 fixed Ability to get access to TCP socket handle of the SIP transport bennylp riza

Some application want to be able to access TCP socket handle for setsockopt. There's already an API for UDP transport (pjsip_udp_transport_get_socket), and new API is needed for TCP.

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