Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#109 fixed Audio saturation when level is applied to conference bennylp bennylp

Audio would crank up wildly when level is applied to a port and the port receives signal from more than one source. This is easily reproducible with confsample.

#110 fixed Replace year 2006 with 2007 in copyright notice bennylp bennylp
#111 fixed Workaround for forking bennylp bennylp

Application should really handle forking dialog, but it's quite complicated to do that, so currently even pjsua-api cannot handle forked dialog. But there seems to be a simpler workaround to solve this problem.

We're taking the fact that in most cases only one 2xx response will ever get back to the dialog. Several 1xx responses will get through and these will affect dialog/session state and mess around with SDP negotiation if the response carries SDP body, but this is not as fatal as having incorrect To tag recorded by the dialog.

Currently the dialog takes the first To tag seen and set it as the remote tag. If the tag in 2xx response is different than this tag, ACK will be sent with wrong To tag and incoming request with this tag will be rejected with 481.

The workaround for this is to take the last To tag received in the response and set it as remote tag.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.