Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2186 fixed Enable video stream keep alive mechanism ming ming

Video stream keep-alive was disabled in r4120. This ticket will re-enable the mechanism.

#2185 fixed Darwin (Mac OS & iOS) native SSL backend ming ming

This ticket will add support of Darwin native SSL using the Security framework as the SSL backend for Mac OS and iOS.

#2184 fixed PJSUA2 cannot switch from null audio device nanang nanang

If any capture or playback device ID is set to PJSUA_SND_NULL_DEV (for null audio device), PJSUA will invoke pjsua_set_null_snd_dev() so both device IDs will be reset to PJSUA_SND_NULL_DEV again. Unfortunately PJSUA2 can only configure one audio device (only playback or capture) at one time, so it will never be able to switch over from null device.

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