Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#103 fixed PJLIB should use Win32 file I/O back-end on Win32 bennylp bennylp

The default file I/O back-end is to use ANSI stream API (fopen(), fread(), etc.), which works great since it is portable across platforms. However it has a limit of number of files that can be opened simultaneously (FOPEN_MAX), causing subsequent opening file to fail.

On Win32, we have alternative back-end of file I/O using Win32 native file operations (CreateFile?(), ReadFile?(), etc.), which doesn't have this limitation, but unfortunately this backend implementation is not being used.

Thanks David Clark for pointing this out.

#104 fixed pjsip_ctype_hdr_clone() doesn't duplicate media subtype bennylp bennylp

The pjsip_ctype_hdr_clone() doesn't duplicate the media subtype.

Thanks Igor S for reporting.

#105 fixed Unnecessary assert in fixed buffer based pool bennylp bennylp

The fixed buffer based pool (created by pj_pool_create_on_buf()) will raise assert if no memory can be allocated. This is unnecessary, and it should just return NULL to let the pool raise PJ exception as normal.

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