Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#91 fixed Timer for buddy presence subscription in PJSUA bennylp bennylp

Currently when buddy's presence subscription fails in pjsua-api (i.e. SUBSCRIBE request fails to establish subscription), PJSUA-API will not try to send another SUBSCRIBE ever, so if buddy is online then we won't get notified. Application is currently responsible for managing timer to send another subscribe periodically to probe to buddy's presence.

Ideally PJSUA-API should maintain this timer internally on behalf of application to make life easier.

Note that this only applies to when SUBSCRIBE fails - if SUBSCRIBE succeeds, then buddy's presence will be monitored normally.

#92 fixed Undefined OpenSSL/ALSA symbols when running Python bennylp bennylp

When the configure script detects the availability of OpenSSL and ALSA libraries, TLS and ALSA support will be included with the library.

But unfortunately this causes undefined symbol error when running Python application, for example:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 8, in ?
     import py_pjsua
 ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ undefined symbol: 

Thanks Matthias Laur for the report.

#93 fixed Python application blocks in sys.stdin.readline() because C module running on different thread is calling a blocking OS function bennylp bennylp

On Linux (or at least my Linux), application will block forever on sys.stdin.readline(), and somehow this is related to the other thread calling py_pjsua.handle_events() (if this is commented, the keyboard input will function properly).

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