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Results (76 - 78 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2189 fixed PJSUA2: thread safety issue in list of objects nanang nanang

Currently PJSUA2 internally maintains some lists of objects, e.g: AudioMedia, Buddy, AudioDevInfo, VideoDevInfo, CodecInfo. Unfortunately some APIs for querying and modifying those lists are not really thread safe. For example Endpoint::mediaEnumPorts() will simply return the internal list, and Endpoint::mediaAdd(), Endpoint::mediaRemove(), Endpoint::mediaExists() may access the internal list without mutex protection. Another example is enumeration function such as Aud/VidDevManager::enumDev(), CodecInfoVector &codecEnum() that returns internal list which always be updated at each call of the function, so if two threads call the same function at the same time, one of the thread will get an invalid list. Thank you Niclas Larsson for the report.

Since those PJSUA2 objects are actually just kind of thin wrapper of PJSUA objects, e.g: PJSUA2 AudioMedia is wrapping PJSUA conference bridge port ID, those object should be easily generated from PJSUA. So instead of maintaining list of objects internally, PJSUA2 can simply generate the requested objects on the fly. For example when enumeration function is called, the function will generate the PJSUA2 objects, generate a new list containing those object, and return the list. This way PJSUA2 can also avoid adding another layer of synchronization as PJSUA already provides the thread safety.

This ticket will deprecate these APIs:

  • AudioMedia related: Call::getMedia(), AudioMediaVector, Endpoint::mediaEnumPorts(), Endpoint::mediaAdd(), Endpoint::mediaRemove(), Endpoint::mediaExists(), Endpoint::typecastFromMedia(), AudioMediaPlayer::typecastFromAudioMedia(), AudioMediaRecorder::typecastFromAudioMedia(), Endpoint::registerMediaPort()
  • Buddy related: BuddyVector, Account::enumBuddies(), Account::findBuddy()
  • Codec enumeration: CodecInfoVector, Endpoint::codecEnum(), Endpoint::videoCodecEnum()
  • Audio/video device info: AudioDevInfoVector, VideoDevInfoVector, AudDevManager::enumDev(), VidDevManager::enumDev()

This ticket will introduce new APIs:

  • AudioMedia related: Call::getAudioMedia(), AudioMediaVector2, Endpoint::mediaEnumPorts2(), Endpoint::registerMediaPort2()
  • Buddy related: BuddyVector2, Account::enumBuddies2(), Account::findBuddy2()
  • Codec enumeration: CodecInfoVector2, Endpoint::codecEnum2(), Endpoint::videoCodecEnum2()
  • Audio/video device info: AudioDevInfoVector2, VideoDevInfoVector2, AudDevManager::enumDev2(), VidDevManager::enumDev2()
#2188 fixed RTCP RR not generated if stream's encoder channel is paused ming ming

If the encoder channel is paused and only decoding allowed, then RTCP RR reports are not being generated.

#2187 fixed Delay the creation of video capture until it is needed ming ming

This can be useful in situations where video camera access is exclusive, so when we don't need it, the video camera can still be used by the user or other apps.

This ticket will include:

  • Avoid creating the video capture if the setting vid_out_auto_transmit is false
  • Decrease the video capture reference count when the outgoing transmission is disabled (via the API pjsua_call_set_vid_strm() with op PJSUA_CALL_VID_STRM_STOP_TRANSMIT). When the reference count reaches zero (i.e. no other calls nor the preview window is using it), then the video capture will be released.
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