Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#85 fixed Visual Studio 2005 Sample-Makefile bennylp pjsip@…

Trunk (Rev. 916) does not compile samples section under VS 2005.

Change first line of pjsip-apps\build\Samples-vc.mak from

TARGET = i386-win32-vc6-$(BUILD_MODE)


TARGET = i386-win32-vc8-$(BUILD_MODE)



#86 fixed Bugs in WAV playlist bennylp bennylp

The *current_file* variable is not always consistent and need to be updated specially when the last file in the list has been played otherwise there is a crash due to an access violation since it's used as an index for the playlist;

The statement

current_file = fport->current_file;

shall be the first statement in the *while (size_left > 0)* loop to fix that array index bug ;o)

Thanks Alain Totouom for the report/fix.

#87 fixed Conference bridge should transmit silence frame when level is zero bennylp bennylp

Currently the conference bridge will transmit PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE to a destination slot when the level is zero, regardless whether there is a source port transmitting to that particular destination slot:

  if (cport->tx_setting==PJMEDIA_PORT_MUTE || cport->srv_level==0) {
     frame.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
     pjmedia_port_put_frame(cport->port, &frame);

This will cause WAV writer to write nothing to the file, thus causing silence gap to not be written.

The solution, the bridge should distinguish between no listener situation and silence situation:

  if (cport->tx_setting == PJMEDIA_PORT_MUTE || cport->transmitter_cnt==0) {
       // Transmit TYPE_NONE frame
  } else if (cport->src_level==0) {
       // Transmit silence PCM frame
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