Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#82 fixed Disabling codec from autoconf causes link error bennylp bennylp

Disabling codec(s) with autoconf script (e.g. with --disable-speex-codec option) causes link error because the autoconf script doesn't propagate PJMEDIA_HAS_XX_CODEC macro to other libraries.

Thanks Thomas Reitmayr for the report.

#83 fixed Socket abstractions for IP TOS options bennylp bennylp

Add socket constants abstractions for socket TOS options so that application can set TOS in portable manner.

Thanks Roman Puls.

#84 fixed pjsua_transport_close() doesn't properly close transports (especially TLS) bennylp bennylp

The pjsua_transport_close() function in PJSUA-API doesn't handle TLS transport case. Thanks Alain Totouom <alain.totouom at gmx de> for reporting this.

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