Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1915 fixed Add API pjsip_udp_transport_start2() bennylp nanang

Currently there are already pjsip_udp_transport_start() for IPv4 and pjsip_udp_transport_start6() for IPv6, the new API should be a little cleaner as it can create both IPv4 and IPv6 transports.

Also added QoS settings for the transport socket.

Thanks George Joseph for the patch.

#1145 fixed Add API to enable/disable support for iOS background feature during runtime. bennylp ming

Currently PJSIP can only enable/disable iOS BG feature via compile time switch which is automatically enabled if configured using iOS 4.x SDK. However, if PJSIP is compiled using iOS 4.x SDK and run on devices with iOS 3 (or before), it will crash.

The API will only offer an option to enable/disable support for iOS BG. It is the application's responsibility to detect whether the device supports iOS BG and if not, call the API to disable it.

#1918 fixed Add API to update STUN servers and option to retry STUN for media on failure bennylp ming


  1. Start PJSIP with STUN server A, STUN server B (both STUN servers are reachable)
  2. PJSIP will sue STUN server A
  3. STUN server A becomes unreachable, STUN servr B remains reachable
  4. User dials a call
  5. PJSIP tries to resolve call media with STUN server A, but fails. (PJLIB_UTIL_ESTUNNOTRESPOND)
  6. PJSIP does NOT try to fall back to STUN server B (issue)

The ticket will add an API pjsua_update_stun_servers() to update STUN servers list after startup (previously, it can only be specified prior to calling pjsua_init()). Then when call media fails due to pjstun_get_mapped_addr(), we add an option PJSUA_STUN_RETRY_ON_FAILURE in pjsua_acc_config.media_stun_use (by default it's disabled/no retry), which enables retrying other STUN servers when the above scenario happens.

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