Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1998 fixed Add API pjsip_evsub_set_uas_timeout() bennylp ming

A UAS which needs to recreate incoming subscriptions from a persistent store can call pjsip_dlg_create_uas_and_inc_lock() and pjsip_evsub_create_uas() as long as they've persisted the correct data but since the timer is triggered by an incoming subscribe, it's never set and the subscription never expires.

This ticket:

  • Adds API pjsip_evsub_set_uas_timeout(), which is just a wrapper around evsub.c:set_timeout(sub, TIMER_TYPE_UAS_TIMEOUT, seconds)
  • Also, fixed a copy-paste error in pjsip_sub_state_hdr_print() when printing retry-after parameter.

Thanks to George Joseph for the patch.

#2003 fixed Add API pjsip_multipart_get_raw() to get raw body of a multipart message body bennylp nanang

Some SIP applications/servers need to get the raw body of a multipart message body, as otherwise it has to manually print the multipart body (while the original raw body is still available in rdata).

Thanks Peter Koletzki for the suggestion.

#1995 fixed Add API pjsip_transport_shutdown2() to immediately disconnect a transport bennylp ming

The currently existing API pjsip_transport_shutdown() will perform a graceful shutdown, which typically will wait until a timeout occurs before disconnecting and destroying the transport. However sometimes it is desirable to disconnect a transport immediately, such as in the event of an IP address change.

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