Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1380 duplicate Using locking to specific listener feature may cause outgoing TCP connection to be created for every request bennylp bennylp
#1520 duplicate SWIG binding for JNI for the new high level API bennylp bennylp

Create SWIG specification to create JNI wrapper for the new high-level object oriented API.

#1575 duplicate Bind TCP and TLS client socket to the configured address too bennylp bennylp

For TCP and TLS, currently only the server (i.e. listening) socket will be bound to the configured bind address. Client (i.e. outgoing/connecting) sockets are let to be bound by the OS when connect() is performed.

This ticket will change the behavior to bind the client sockets to the configured bind address as well, so that the explicit interface will be selected.

Thank you Dan Arrhenius for the suggestion.

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