Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 2195)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#976 fixed Account must be associated with the call before initializing media channel in making call (thanks Tal Fromm for the fix) bennylp nanang

In initialization, media channel will setup the media based on account config settings. So when account hasn't been associated properly, media channel may be initialized with wrong account settings. For example, it was reported (also reproducible) that SRTP was not applied in the first call when SRTP is only enabled in one account, but not in other accounts or in default/global settings.

The original report can be found here.

#1313 fixed Account option to disable registration when account is added (thanks Tony Jago Million for the patch) bennylp bennylp

A new option is added to pjsua_acc_config to control whether REGISTER should be sent as soon as the account is added:

     * Specify whether the account should register as soon as it is
     * added to the UA. Application can set this to PJ_FALSE and control
     * the registration manually with pjsua_acc_set_registration().
     * Default: PJ_TRUE
    pj_bool_t         register_on_acc_add;

The default is PJ_TRUE to be compatible with current behavior.

#1553 fixed Account setting to disable re-INVITE or UPDATE to lock codec bennylp bennylp

When remote sends SDP answer containing more than one formats or codecs in the media line, PJSUA-LIB sends re-INVITE or UPDATE with just one codec to lock which codec to use.

This behavior can now be disabled by setting pjsua_acc_config.lock_codec to zero.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.