Custom Query (2195 matches)


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Results (37 - 39 of 2195)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#145 fixed pj_ioqueue_poll() blocks forever because of invalid timeout value (thanks Igor S) bennylp bennylp

This is copy of ticket #144 for trunk.

#973 fixed pj_ioqueue_accept() fails on Windows NT IOCP backend if connection is immediately available and the "local" parameter is NULL (thanks John Ridges for the report) bennylp bennylp

This is because pj_getsockname() is called without checking first if the "local" parameter is specified.

#2020 fixed pj_hash_calc_tolower() might return a different hash value bennylp riza

Example scenario:

  1. Received INVITE with branch=z9hG4bK%999999f
  2. Respond with 100
  3. Respond with 180
  4. Received CANCEL
  5. Respond with "481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist"

By default, sip_transaction.c enabled PRECALC_HASH which calculated the hash value using pj_hash_calc_lower().

char lower = (char)pj_tolower(key->ptr[i]);

When setting the hash, the value was calculated using

const pj_uint8_t *p = (const pj_uint8_t*)key,*end = p + keylen;
hash = hash * PJ_HASH_MULTIPLIER + pj_tolower(*p);

The branch/key contain %99, which will be stored as 0x99, the calculated hash value will differ.

Thanks to Fredrik Hansson for the report.

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