Custom Query (65 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (63 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2166 Possible buffer overread if RTCP packet length is invalid nanang defect major pjmedia trunk
#1017 TURN TLS transport bennylp enhancement normal pjnath trunk
#1019 Support for multiple TCP listeners bennylp enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#2107 Add option to use loopback media transport in pjsua bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2134 STUN server resolution failure causes delay bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2142 Export pjmedia_echo_flag to PJSUA2 SWIG Java interface bennylp enhancement normal pjsua2 trunk
#2147 Miscellaneous fixes bennylp defect normal common trunk
#2148 Add parsing support for the OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism bennylp enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#2149 Add option to disable transport connection reuse bennylp enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#2150 Add new callback to notify when accept operation fails on TLS listener bennylp enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#2151 Call tp_drop_data_cb() when there is PJSIP_EMISSINGHDR or PJSIP_EINVALIDSTATUS error on incoming message bennylp enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#2152 Avoid premature video frame decoding due to RTP reordering nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#2155 Cleanup call setting flag before sending reinvite on IP change bennylp defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2156 Object slicing in MediaFormatVector bennylp defect normal pjsua2 trunk
#2157 Update media transport adapter sample nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#2158 Avoid shared PJSUA2 Call instance in call transfer scenario bennylp enhancement normal pjsua2 trunk
#2159 Add synchronization for Endpoint::libRegisterThread() bennylp defect normal pjsua2 trunk
#2160 Fix stuck issue in ioqueue when detaching UDP media transport nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#2161 Avoid deadlock triggered by incoming message when transport is being shutdown bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#2162 If listener restart fail, don't proceed with handling account re-registration (update contact) on IP change process bennylp enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#2163 Frame rate (fps) detection issue nanang defect normal pjmedia trunk
#2164 Subscription may get terminated when NOTIFY is challenged bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#2165 Support video only call in pjsua bennylp enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2168 Add media event for audio device error nanang defect normal pjmedia-audiodev trunk
#2169 Update invite options when receiving INVITE provisional response with Allow UPDATE header bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#2170 When using pjsua2 API, Re-INVITE with no SDP will be responded with 488 response bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#2171 Apply returned frame quality filter in OpenH264 decoder nanang enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#2172 Crash due to double reference decrements in timer bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#2173 On PJSUA2, application will not be notified when when SDP nego fails due to unsupported codec. bennylp defect normal pjsua2 trunk
#2174 Fix out of bound error when enabling GnuTLS bennylp defect normal pjlib trunk
#2175 Delayed sending of ACK request (using on_send_ack() ) may prematurely send the ACK bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#2176 Create stress test for timer heap defect normal pjlib trunk
#2177 Updated configure-android script for NDK r17, r18, r19 nanang defect normal common trunk
#2178 Crash in getting TLS certificate info when subject/issuer line is empty nanang defect normal pjlib trunk
#2179 Wipe out memory used for storing SSL keys before released nanang enhancement normal pjlib trunk
#2180 Refactoring SSL socket backend implementations ming enhancement normal pjlib trunk
#2181 Video conference implementation enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#2182 Prevent crash in unpublishing presence when deleting account ming defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2183 Dialog not destroyed on late media offer scenario nanang defect normal pjsip trunk
#2184 PJSUA2 cannot switch from null audio device nanang defect normal pjsua2 trunk
#2185 Darwin (Mac OS & iOS) native SSL backend ming enhancement normal pjlib trunk
#2186 Enable video stream keep alive mechanism ming enhancement normal pjmedia trunk
#2187 Delay the creation of video capture until it is needed ming enhancement normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2188 RTCP RR not generated if stream's encoder channel is paused ming defect normal pjmedia trunk
#2189 PJSUA2: thread safety issue in list of objects nanang defect normal pjsua2 trunk
#2190 Crash in ioqueue post completion if callback is not set ming defect normal pjlib trunk
#2191 Crash due to double timer entry scheduling in SIP transport nanang defect normal pjsip trunk
#2192 Update dialog local contact for non registering account nanang defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2193 Buffered read data on SSL socket might not immediately get read after handshake is complete riza defect normal pjlib trunk
#2194 onStreamDestroyed callback is not called upon call disconnection ming defect normal pjsua2 trunk
#2195 Assertion when receiving more calls than the configured maximum ming defect normal pjsip trunk
#2196 Assertion due to unset sip error code when media initialization fails during incoming call ming defect normal pjsip trunk
#2197 Support TURN extensions for TCP allocations (RFC 6062) nanang enhancement normal pjnath trunk
#2198 SIP resolve to return IPv4 and IPv6 synthesized addresses for IPv4 address literals ming enhancement normal pjsip trunk
#2199 Assertion when DNS SRV resolver receives empty record in response nanang defect normal pjlib-util trunk
#2200 Ignore/discard DNS SRV response with truncated flag set riza defect normal pjlib-util trunk
#2201 Restart UDP transport after replace_udp_socket fail when sending data riza defect normal pjlib trunk
#2202 Limit the number of ignored error when receiving RTP/RTCP. riza defect normal pjmedia trunk
#2203 Failure to set minimum SSL version when OpenSSL 1.1 is used ming defect normal pjlib trunk
#2204 Add OpenSSL remote certificate chain info ming enhancement normal pjlib trunk
#2205 Use bound address for outgoing UDP SIP messages ming defect normal pjsua-lib trunk
#2206 Avoid calling SSL_shutdown() in DTLS media transport if handshake isn't completed yet ming defect normal pjmedia trunk
#1298 Use PJ_ERROR consistently bennylp enhancement minor common trunk

Resolution: worksforme (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2109 NAT64: Rewrite remote IPv4 address in Contact or Route bennylp defect normal pjsip trunk
#2154 Test with Opus 1.3 nanang task normal pjmedia trunk
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.